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Re: [dhcwg] RE: IPv6 Host Configuration of Recursive DNS Server

On Jun 6, 2004, at 9:28 PM, Christian Huitema wrote:
1) In the disadvantage of DHCPv6 section, you ought to mention that
there is a ensure that the DHCP server always returns an up-to-date
value for the address of the preferred recursive DNS server. In large
networks, this is not trivial: the notion of which server is closest
depends on routing configuration and on server status, all of which are
dynamic. In contrast, the anycast approach guarantees that the request
will reach the closest server.

This is really more of an advantage of using an anycast address over using a unicast address, and has nothing to do with DHCPv6. If you want this functionality, you can use DHCPv6 to configure the anycast address, or you can hard-code the anycast address. The question we're trying to address is really how we configure nodes as they come on to the network, not with what we configure them. The reason that anycast has a place in this discussion is that it's the only possible value that you could just hard-code into the client and thereby bypass configuration altogether.

We need to be very careful in discussing this draft not to get confused about what the draft does. It does not say "this is the solution." Rather, it is essentially a sales tool which tries to present the advantages and disadvantages of each option, so that the buyer (the IESG, I guess) can make an informed choice between them. So please let us not digress into deep, detailed discussions about why the other guy's choice is wrong - just say what's good about the proposal you favor, and if you want to be honest, discuss any disadvantages of which you're aware.