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Re: I-D ACTION:draft-tschofenig-v6ops-secure-tunnels-00.txt (fwd)

On Fri, 2004-06-18 at 07:53, Pekka Savola wrote:
> FYI -- 
> Comments etc. of course welcome.


>    This document gives guidance on securing IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnels using
>    IPsec.  No additional protocol extensions are described beyond those
>    available with the revised IPsec framework.  IKEv2 is extensively
>    used as an authentication and key exchange protocol to cover address
>    configuration procedures, and the usage of the Extensible
>    Authentication Procotol and NAT traversal capabilities is also
>    described.

IMHO it is a bit 'late' to start securing proto-41. It has been in use
already for too long and by too many people.

IPSEC on hosts and routers is near-to-none in existence, notez bien
that IPSEC in IPv6 is a mandatory item of IPv6 stacks and that many
stacks simply don't have it ;).
Setting up an IPSEC connection costs a lot of effort and negotiation.
Not even talking about the note about traveling the NAT's ;)

Thus this memo does have a good value for people who want to secure it
afterall, but I don't think that it will actually happen a lot due to
the above three items.

I didn't find any content issues in my quick glance.


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