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Re: (v6ops) WG Last Call: draft-ietf-v6ops-renumbering-procedure-00.txt (fwd)

[dropping multi6]

On 21-jun-04, at 13:25, Eliot Lear wrote:

Okay, the confusion in this exchange stems from which "ingress" we were talking about.

Shame we don't have better terminology here.

We make note of the fact that there is a linkage between the upstream ISP and the network. What perhaps we should state is that upstreams may need to know about each other from anti-spoofing mechanism.

But what if the ISPs aren't prepared to cooperate? Not everyone is a fortune 1000 company.

Okay, I follow you. The draft attempts to cover ground in two areas:

1. That which can be done today;

2. What needs to be fixed. I believe you're arguing for a fix, and perhaps some text in the draft would be good.

I wasn't arguing for a fix, although an automated way to open up ingress filtering by ISPs would be very useful here.

What I am arguing for is acknowledging this issue in the draft so that people know what they can do to work around this problem.

Actually it is much less complex unless people extensively use manually configured addresses. The problem with IPv4 is deciding on subnet sizes, merging subnets, avoiding overlap and so on. None of this is an issue with IPv6 since everything fits in a standard issue /64.

We have saved network managers from requiring a set of spreadsheet operations. BFD. The level of complexity is substantially the same.

Actually this is a big deal, as in IPv4 address management is so problematic that renumbering pretty much requires manual intervention. While I agree that all the other issues, such as the DNS and access filters, are also problematic, it's certainly within the realm of possibility to automate these issues.

IPv6 was billed as a great self-configuring does-everything-but-eat follow-on to IPv4. Very little of that is true today.

Yes, when do we get to discover DNS resolvers automatically?

Other than that the situation isn't as bad as you make it seem.

We'd like to identify the mechanisms that would improve matters, at least for IPv6. Who knows? Maybe for IPv4 as well. For instance, what you're looking for above is some way for providers to learn about customers' alternative published connectivity, such as a more robust and accurate RADB in order to configure ingress access-lists. One needs to understand who's authoritative for the information, and what the keys are. Certainly the keys are unlikely to be IP address prefixes :-(

This is pretty much a non-issue as these filters can be created using unicast reverse path forwarding (uRPF). However, I agree that better IP address authorization information would be good, if we get this then we may be able to secure interdomain routing much better. (See S-BGP and soBGP, although neither of those is necessary if vendors implement better mechanisms to upload long prefix filters to routers.)

As to whether the providers are willing to implement such a mechanism, I can't say. They will look for an easier way, and that easier way today is a NAT that does source selection (policy routing).

I don't see the relation between NAT and policy routing. Both are harmful, though.