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RE: Moving forward

Lest anyone forget, ngtrans was an OPS area WG. As David pointed out the
rule is a generality, not cast in stone.

The appropriate step forward is for v6ops to complete the informational
documents that recommend specific approaches to the identified environments.
It is then up to the IESG to evaluate a recharter vs. close & open specific
wgs in other areas. It would not hurt for the members of v6ops to point out
that much of the work on these technologies is being done by the same set of
people, so splitting into multiple WGs would cause a logistical problem for
meeting slots. Other than that it really doesn't matter where the
technologies are standardized. It only matters that they get on the
standards track now, and not be hung up behind an interminable IESG debate.
The IESG must not second guess the extensive deliberations of the WG in
terms of identifying which technologies are useful in each environment, and
needs to move expeditiously in processing any or all new charters. 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-v6ops@ops.ietf.org [mailto:owner-v6ops@ops.ietf.org] On Behalf
> Of Soliman Hesham
> Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2004 4:57 PM
> To: David Kessens
> Cc: v6ops@ops.ietf.org
> Subject: RE: Moving forward
>  > We first need to officially hear from the working group
>  > which ones are
>  > going to be needed for the minimum set, than we can decide on the
>  > exact logistics for how the work will proceed. I have asked the
>  > workinggroup chairpeople to do this in manner that allows us to
>  > quickly move forward.
> => Understood, but see below.
>  >
>  > In general, protocol work will indeed not happen in the Operations
>  > area. However, the careful reader will note that I used 'in general'
>  > and there could be circumstances where there is more
>  > expertise in this
>  > area and where it is more efficient to do the work in this area.
> => I certainly noticed 'in general' and it scares me!
> I know that you're trying to be flexible and not categorically
> rule things out, however, I hope you can appreciate that
> this might make things quite blurry and give the wrong
> impression to people. Given the lack of appreciation
> of WG members' opinions in this WG, I'm worried that
> this process will be messy, but I'll wait and see.
> FWIW, there was unanymous concensus in the Seoul meeting
> to standardise all mechanisms being considered at the moment
> Hesham
>  >
>  > David Kessens
>  > ---
>  >
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