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A draft about VPN in IPv4/IPv6 Hybrid Network(new version)

Dear all,

Attached is a draft about VPN in  IPv4/IPv6 Hybrid Network, I hope this
draft can be processed in the v6ops WG as soon as possible,  discussions and
comments are appreciated.

BTW, I hope to discuss it at 60th IETF meeting, I would like to have a
chance to make presentation for it, Could you please arrange a time slot for
me? I think 10min slot will do.

Thanks in advance.

Defeng Li
Huawei Technologies

INTERNET DRAFT                                                Defeng Li
<draft-defeng-l3vpn-ipv4-ipv6-hybrid-00.txt>        Huawei Technologies         
Expires December, 2004                                                     
                                                              June 2004

         BGP-MPLS VPN extension for IPv4/IPv6 Hybrid Network

Status of this Memo

  By submitting this Internet-Draft, I certify that any applicable
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  Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
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  other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-

  Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
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  The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

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List of authors/editors 

Defeng Li  Huawei Technologies


  This document describes some methods which may be used by Service 
  Providers to provide Virtual Private Networks for some scenarios 
  where the Service Provider's network or Customer's network is 
  comprised of part of IPv4 network and part of IPv6 network.These
  situations can't be avoided during the process of IPv4 transition to
  IPv6, e.g. IPv6 backbone network for IPv4-IPv6 hybrid VPN sites,or 
  IPv4 backbone network for IPv4-IPv6 hybrid VPN sites,or IPv4-IPv6 
  hybrid backbone network for IPv4-IPv6 hybrid VPN sites.This proposal 
  continue to use the concepts described in the Internet draft 
  "BGP/MPLS VPN"[2547bis],such as RD,VRF,Route Target and some 
  mechanisms. In BGP/MPLS VPN, MPLS is used to forward packets over 

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  the backbone, and "Multiprotocol BGP" is used for distributing VPN 
  routes over the service provider backbone. 

  This document makes the reference to the current RFC or Internet Draft
  as to the IPv4 VPN address family and IPv6 VPN address family,In some
  hybrid scenarios,IPv4/IPv6 dual VPN address family should be supported
  in backbone, accordingly, some VPN sites should support IPv4/IPv6 dual
  route table.
1. Introduction

   This document assumes that the reader is familiar with [2547bis].
   Unless explicitly documented herein, [2547bis] applies.

   This document adopts the definitions, acronyms and mechanisms
   described in [2547bis]. Unless otherwise stated, the mechanisms of
   [2547bis] apply and will not be re-described here.

   A VPN is said to be an IPv6 hybrid VPN, when one of the following 
   conditions is meeted:
   (a) Some sites of this VPN is IPv6 capable and is natively connected 
   over an interface or sub-interface to the SP backbone via a Provider 
   Edge device (PE).
   (b) Backbone network for VPN consists of IPv6 capable network and IPv4 
   capable network.

   A site may be both IPv4-capable and IPv6-capable. The logical interface 
   on which packets arrive at the PE may determine the version, or
   alternatively a per-packet header lookup on the same interface may 
   determine the version. In this document, for those sites having VPN 
   relationship with other IPv4 sites and IPv6 sites in the same VPN,
   and those sites connected to the different IP version part of backbone 
   (e.g. IPv4 sites connected to IPv6 part of backbone or IPv6 sites 
   connected to IPv4 part of backbone),CE MUST support both IPv4 and IPv6.
   When PE connects to both IPv4 sites and IPv6 sites(maybe these sites 
   belong to different VPN), or PE connects to CE which must be 
   dual-stacked according to the rules above mentioned, then PE should 
   be dual-stacked too.

   The PE being dual stack has full IPv4 capabilities, must maintain
   IPv6 VRFs for its IPv6 sites and must be able to encapsulate IPv6
   datagrams in MPLS frames to be sent into the MPLS core network. 

   BGP and its extensions are used to cause routes from IPv4 or IPv6 VPN 
   sites to be distributed over the backbone to each other PE router 
   connected to a site of the same IPv6 hybrid VPN.

   As it is done for IPv4 VPNs [2547bis], we allow each IPv6 hybrid VPN 
   to have IPv4/IPv6 hybrid address space, i.e. for a VPN with both IPv4
   VPN sites and IPv6 VPN sites, both VPN-IPv4 and VPN-IPv6 address 
   family are needed, VPN-IPv4 address family refers to [2547bis], 

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   VPN-IPv6 address family is a 24-byte quantity, composed of an 8-byte 
   "Route Distinguisher" (RD) and a 16-byte IPv6 address. MP-BGP allows 
   BGP to carry routes from multiple "address families", so IPv4/IPv6 
   hybrid address space enables the VPN routes of IPv4 sites and IPv6 
   sites of the same VPN to be distributed across the backbone.

   This document first addresses BGP/MPLS VPN mechanism under the 
   situation where VPN sites consist of IPv4 sites and IPv6 sites, and 
   the backbone network consists of one or more IPv4 autonomous system 
   and at least an IPv6 autonomous system, then propose some mechanism 
   for the simple situations.

2. Hybrid Backbone and Hybrid VPN sites

   In Hybrid Backbone and Hybrid sites situation, VPN backbone network
   consists of one or more IPv4 autonomous system and at least an IPv6 
   autonomous system, and VPN sites consist of IPv4 sites and IPv6 
   Note: This document proposes two methods to address this hybrid VPN
   scenario, and are detailed in section 2.1 and section 2.2 respectively.
2.1. Method 1
   In this method, PEs and ASBR in every AS establish MP-IBGP to 
   distribute the VPN routes between the sites belong to the same AS, 
   and ASBRs of the adjacency AS establish MP-EBGP to distribute VPN 
   routes between the sites belong to the different AS.For the 
   conveniency of discussion, we first consider the situation where 
   backbone network consists only two autonomous system(from 
   Section 2.1.1. to Section 2.1.5.), one is IPv4 AS(AS1) and the 
   other is IPv6 AS2, they connected to each other through some ASBRs, 
   for simplicity, considering the situation where only one ASBR for 
   each AS, ASBR1 for AS1,ASBR2 for AS2, and in some of VPNs accessed 
   to the backbone, some sites are IPv6 sites, others are IPv4 sites. 
   In the following sections, several aspects such as address family, 
   routing distribution, label assignment, data forwarding, VPN 
   topology implementation. In Section 2.1.6., we will discuss how to 
   extend the mechanism to the situation where more than two AS(at 
   least one of them is IPv6 AS).
2.1.1. Address Family

   In this method, we only consider Unicast communication between VPN 
   sites, and Unicast address(IPv4 or IPv6) should be used. Considering
   there are still some IPv4 Sites in the VPN and the scarcity of IPv4
   address, private IPv4 addresses(defined in RFC 1918) are allowed to 
   be used IN vpn sites, and if two VPNs have no sites in common, they 
   may have overlapping address spaces, this aspect is the same as 
   [RFC 2547bis]. For IPv6 sites, the global unicast address should be 
   used, for the huge IPv6 address space, all the addresses are public

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   Communications between IPv4 sites use IPv4 address, accordingly, AFI
   field in MP-BGP can be valued as 1, which is assigned for IPv4 in 
   RFC 1700. Communications between one IPv4 site and one IPv6 site or
   communications between IPv6 sites use IPv6 address, the IPv4 addresses
   A.B.C.D/MASK in IPv4 sites can be mapped to IPv6 addresses in the 
   form of 0::A:B:C:D/(96+MASK), accordingly, AFI field in MP-BGP can be
   valued as 2, which is assigned for IPv6 in RFC 1700. SAFI field in
   MP-BGP can be valued as 128 to denote the address family for VPN-IPv4
   or VPN-IPv6 address. So there will be two VPN address family in this
   mechanism, MP-BGP will distribute VPN-IPv4 routes and VPN-IPv6 routes
   at the same time, PEs and ASBRs in this mechanism should support 
   IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack and maintain both VPN-IPv4 routes and VPN-IPv6 
   routes.If some IPv4 sites have only communications with other IPv4 
   sites, CEs in these sites can only support IPv4 protocol and maintain
   IPv4 VPN routes, otherwise CE should support IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack 
   and maintain both IPv4 VPN routes and IPv6 VPN routes of the same VPN.
   As stated above, private IPv4 addresses is used in this method, for 
   the same reason as stated in RFC 2547bis, RD continues to serve the 
   purpose of forming the VPN-IPv4 or VPN-IPv6 address, i.e. A VPN-IPv4 
   address is a 12-byte quantity, beginning with an 8-byte "Route 
   Distinguisher (RD)" and ending with a 4-byte IPv4 address, and AFI
   for this address family is 1. A VPN-IPv6 address is a 24-byte 
   quantity, beginning with an 8-byte "Route Distinguisher (RD)" and 
   ending with a 16-byte IPv6 address(In the case of IPv4 site which
   has communication with IPv6 site, IPv4 addresses is mapped to IPv6
   addresses before forming VPN-IPv6 addresses), and AFI for this 
   address family is 2.
2.1.2. VPN routes distribution

   VPN sites distribute their routes to PE through routing protocol 
   between CE in the VPN site and PE connected to CE, For the hybrid 
   characteristic of VPN routes, i.e. CE should maintain both IPv4 
   routes of other IPv4 sites and IPv6 routes of other IPv6 sites, this 
   document proposes to run BGP4+ or IS-ISv6 protocol between CE and PE.
   It is noted that these two routing protocols can carry both IPv4
   routes and IPv6 routes at the same time. When BGP4+ is run between 
   CE and PE, the private AS number should be used in VPN sites. Of 
   course, if OSPFv3 run between CE and PE, IPv4 routes can also be 
   distributed between them through mapping IPv4 routes to IPv6 routes,
   i.e. when PE learns IPv4 route a.b.c.d/n(where a.b.c.d is subnet 
   address, and n is mask) across backbone, it maps the route to 
   IPv6 route in the form of 0::a:b:c:d/(96+n) and distributes to CE,
   CE then revert it to a.b.c.d/n and maintain it in IPv4 routing table. 
   After PE learns VPN routes from CE, PE should distribute the VPN 
   routes to the related sites in the same VPN through backbone network 
   before these sites can visit each other, and backbone is composed of 
   IPv4 AS and IPv6 AS, in this section, we only consider the case in 
   which backbone is composed of one IPv4 AS(AS1) and one IPv6 AS(AS2). 
   The distribution process of VPN routes across backbone is as follows:
   (1) Every two of PEs and ASBR1 in AS1 setting up MP-IBGP based on IPv4;

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   (2) Every two of PEs and ASBR2 in AS2 setting up MP-IBGP based on IPv6;
   (3) ASBR1 and ASBR2 setting up MP-EBGP based on IPv6;
   (4) VPN routes from the sites connected to AS1 can be distributed to 
   each other through those MP-IBGP relationships set up in (1), IPv4 
   routes and IPv6 routes can be piggybacked on the same MP-IBGP;
   (5) VPN routes from the sites connected to AS2 can be distributed to 
   each other through those MP-IBGP relationships set up in (2), IPv4 
   routes and IPv6 routes can be piggybacked on the same MP-IBGP;
   (6) VPN routes need to be distributed to sites connected to 
   neighboring AS can be achieved by MP-EBGP between ASBR1 and ASBR2,
   according to BGP protocol, routes learned from EBGP PEER should be 
   distributed to IBGP PEER, IPv4 routes and IPv6 routes can be 
   piggybacked on the same MP-EBGP.
   After the above steps, all the VPN routes can be distributed across 
   backbone network, then PEs maintain the related routes. The difference
   from RFC 2547bis is that PEs should maintain both IPv4 routes and
   IPv6 routes in the respective VRFs, IPv4 routes and IPv6 routes can be
   differentiated by the AFI of the routes received, if AFI is 1, routes
   will be maintained in IPv4 part of VRF, if AFI is 2, then routes
   will be maintained in IPv6 part of VRF. 

   As to the decision whether to accept and advertise the routes 
   received from MP-BGP PEER, PE follows the same rule as stated in
   RFC 2547bis, where Route Target attribute is used, and this attribute
   is related to the topology of VPN, it will be detailed in section 
   Following this mechanism, all the VPN routes can be correctly 
   distributed all over the VPN network, For some sites need to visit 
   IPv4 sites and IPv6 sites, IPv4 routing table in CE can be matched 
   when the destination is IPv4 sites, IPv6 routing table in CE can be 
   matched when the destination is IPv6 sites.
   If some sites have no relationship with other IPv6 sites, then it is 
   not necessary for these sites to run IPv6 routing protocol with PEs,
   Even it is enough for these sites to support only IPv4, i.e. IPv4/IPv6
   dual-stack is not a must.
2.1.3. Label Distribution

   Sites belongs to different VPN can connect to the same PE, PE 
   differentiates them by assigning different labels for the sites, this
   label is called inner label, which will be attached to the VPN routes
   when PE distributing the VPN routes to MP-BGP PEERs. If backbone 
   network supports MPLS and LDP/RSVP-TE runs in backbone, LDP/RSVP-TE 
   will setup LSPs between PEs and ASBR1 in AS1 and PEs and ASBR2 in AS2
   respectively and the label related to these LSPs is called outer 
   label, i.e. the packet received from CE will be label-stacked with 
   two label before IP header. If backbone network doesn't support MPLS, 
   other tunnelling technology can be utilized to setup the tunnel 
   between PE and ASBR,such as GRE, IPsec, and so on. And ASBR1 will
   establish MP-EBGP with ASBR2, and MP-EBGP will distribute the labels 

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   between ASBR1 and ASBR2(refer the mechanism to RFC 3107), these two 
   labels will form a tunnel segment to "stick" the tunnel segments in
   AS1 and AS2.    
2.1.4. Forwarding

   Data forwarding between VPN sites across backbone consists of 
   following steps:
   (1) IP Forwarding from source site to Ingress PE;
   (2) Label or tunneling Forwarding from Ingress PE to Egress PE;
   (3) IP forwarding from Egress PE to destination site.
   Where, step (1) follows normal IP forwarding process. As stated in
   section 2.2.3, if one site has VPN relationship with other IPv4 sites
   and IPv6 sites simultaniously, CE in this site should maintain both
   IPv4 route table and IPv6 route table respectively. when the 
   destination is IPv4 site, the IPv4 route table can be queried, 
   otherwise IPv6 route table will be matched. In step (2), ingress PE 
   pushes the inner label to the packet, if backbone supports MPLS, 
   pushes the outer label distributed in the Ingress PE's AS, or 
   encapsulates the tunnel header(when MPLS isn't supported) and 
   forwards packet to ASBR in Ingress PE's AS, where pops the outer
   label(or penultimate hop poped the outer label) or decapsulates 
   the tunnel header, and pushes the label assigned by MP-EBGP between 
   ASBRs, forwards the packet to the ASBR in the neighboring AS, then 
   VPN packet is forwarded to Egress PE in the neighboring AS following 
   the same rules as in the previous AS. In step (3),Egress PE receives 
   the packet with inner label(outer label has been popped or the 
   tunnel header has been decapsulated) and distinguishes the 
   destination site by the inner label, then pops the inner label, 
   forwards packet to CE, at last the packet is forwarded to the 
   destination following normal IP forwarding rules.
2.1.5. VPN topology 

  VPN sites can form different kinds of relationships, such as full
  mesh, partial mesh, Hub-Spoke,  which is called VPN topology. 
  To achieve this, the mechanism of utilizing Route Target as stated 
  in RFC 2547bis can still be used. VPN topology is formed through the 
  routes in VPN sites, if one site have routes to other sites, then it 
  has VPN relationships with those sites, all of VPN relationships 
  among VPN sites form VPN topology. PE can decide whether to accept 
  VPN routes received from other PE carried in MP-BGP UPDATE messages
  through matching Route Target attributes. When Egress PE distributes 
  VPN routes, the configured Export Route Targets will be attached, 
  and Ingress PE is also configured with Import Route Targets, so 
  Ingress PE can compare the local Import Route Target with the remote
  Export Route Target attached to the received routes from MP-BGP PEERs,
  then only those routes with route target attributes matched can be
  accepted and maintained in VRF by Ingress PE, others will be 
  discarded, After that Ingress PE advertise the accepted VPN routes to 
  the directly connected CE.

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2.1.6. IPv4/IPv6 Multi-AS Hybrid Backbone

  In Section 2.1.1. through to Section 2.1.5. , the case where only two
  ASes(one is IPv4 AS, the other is IPv6 AS) is addressed in detail. 
  In the case of IPv4/IPv6 multi-AS hybrid backbone, the mechanisms in
  Address Family, VPN routes distribution, Label Distribution, 
  Forwarding, VPN topology are analogic to the case of two ASes,
  MP-IBGPs are setup in all the ASes between PEs and ASBR, and MP-EBGPs
  are established between  directly connected ASBRs in adjacent ASes, 
  and this MP-EBGPs will distribute the labels for these ASBRs. 
  VPN routes for IPv4 sites and IPv6 sites can be "relayed" among these
  MP-IBGP or MP-EBGP. The tunnel used to forward packets between 
  Ingress PE and Egress PE can be "sticked" together from tunnel 
  segments of respective AS and tunnel segments between ASBRs of 
  adjacent ASes.
2.2. Method 2

   Similar to Method 1, we first consider the scenario where backbone 
   network consists only two autonomous system(from Section 2.2.1. to
   Section 2.2.5.), one is IPv4 AS(AS1) and the other is IPv6 AS2, they 
   connected to each other through some ASBRs, for simplicity, 
   considering the case where only one ASBR for each AS, ASBR1 for AS1,
   ASBR2 for AS2, and in some of VPNs accessed to the backbone, some 
   sites are IPv6 sites, others are IPv4 sites. 
   In this method, PEs and ASBRs in IPv6 AS establish IPv6-based 
   full-mesh MP-IBGP(or MP-BGP Route Reflector) to distribute VPN 
   routes of sites belong to IPv6 AS, and every two PEs in IPv4 AS 
   establish IPv4-based MP-IBGP to distribute VPN routes of sites 
   belong to IPv4 AS, and every PE in IPv4 AS doesn't establish MP-IBGP 
   with ASBR in its own AS as in Method 1, but establishes IPv4-based 
   multi-hop MP-EBGP with ASBR in the IPv6 AS, so the VPN routes across 
   IPv4 AS and IPv6 AS will be distributed through these multi-hop 
   MP-EBGP, We call IPv6 AS as Primary AS(PAS), and IPv4 AS as 
   Dependent AS(DAS).
2.2.1. Address Family

   Address scheme in Method 2 is the same as that in Method 1, refer to 
   section 2.1.1.
2.2.2. VPN routes distribution
   VPN sites distribute their routes to PE through routing protocol 
   between CE in the VPN site and PE connected to CE, For the hybrid 
   characteristic of VPN routes, i.e. CE should maintain both IPv4 
   routes of other IPv4 sites and IPv6 routes of other IPv6 sites, this 
   document proposes to run BGP4+ or IS-ISv6 protocol between CE and PE.
   It is noted that these two routing protocols can carry both IPv4
   routes and IPv6 routes at the same time. When BGP4+ is run between 
   CE and PE, the private AS number should be used in VPN sites. Of 

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   course, if OSPFv3 run between CE and PE, IPv4 routes can also be 
   distributed between them through mapping IPv4 routes to IPv6 routes,
   i.e. when PE learns IPv4 route a.b.c.d/n(where a.b.c.d is subnet 
   address, and n is mask) across backbone, it maps the route to 
   IPv6 route in the form of 0::a:b:c:d/(96+n) and distributes to CE,
   CE then revert it to a.b.c.d/n and maintain it in IPv4 routing table. 
   After PE learns VPN routes from CE, PE should distribute the VPN 
   routes to the related sites in the same VPN through backbone network 
   before these sites can visit each other, and backbone is composed of 
   IPv4 AS and IPv6 AS, in this section, we only consider the case in 
   which backbone is composed of one IPv4 AS(AS1) and one IPv6 AS(AS2). 
   The distribution process of VPN routes across backbone is as follows:
   (1) Every two of PEs in DAS setting up MP-IBGP based on IPv4;
   (2) Every two of PEs and ASBR2 in PAS setting up MP-IBGP based on IPv6;
   (3) Every PE and ASBR2 setting up multi-hop MP-EBGP based on IPv4;
   (4) VPN routes from the sites connected to DAS can be distributed to 
   each other through those MP-IBGP relationships set up in (1), IPv4 
   routes and IPv6 routes can be piggybacked on the same MP-IBGP;
   (5) VPN routes from the sites connected to PAS can be distributed to 
   each other through those MP-IBGP relationships set up in (2), IPv4 
   routes and IPv6 routes can be piggybacked on the same MP-IBGP;
   (6) VPN routes need to be distributed to sites connected to 
   neighboring AS can be achieved by multi-hop MP-EBGP between PEs in 
   DAS and ASBR2 in PAS,according to BGP protocol, routes learned from EBGP 
   PEER should be distributed to IBGP PEER, IPv4 routes and IPv6 routes 
   can be piggybacked on the same MP-EBGP.
   After the above steps, all the VPN routes can be distributed across 
   backbone network, then PEs maintain the related routes. The difference
   from RFC 2547bis is that PEs should maintain both IPv4 routes and
   IPv6 routes in the respective VRFs, IPv4 routes and IPv6 routes can be
   differentiated by the AFI of the routes received, if AFI is 1, routes
   will be maintained in IPv4 part of VRF, if AFI is 2, then routes
   will be maintained in IPv6 part of VRF. 

   As to the decision whether to accept and advertise the routes 
   received from MP-BGP PEER, PE follows the same rule as stated in
   RFC 2547bis, where Route Target attribute is used, and this attribute
   is related to the topology of VPN, it will be detailed in section 
   Following the above mechanism, all the VPN routes can be correctly 
   distributed all over the VPN network, For some sites need to visit 
   IPv4 sites and IPv6 sites, IPv4 routing table in CE can be matched 
   when the destination is IPv4 sites, IPv6 routing table in CE can be 
   matched when the destination is IPv6 sites.
   If some sites have no relationship with other IPv6 sites, then it is 
   not necessary for these sites to run IPv6 routing protocol with PEs,
   Even it is enough for these sites to support only IPv4, i.e. IPv4/IPv6
   dual-stack is not a must.

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2.2.3. Label Distribution

   Egress PE assigns the different labels for different sites, which may 
   be related to different interfaces or sub-interfaces. These labels 
   are attached to VPN routes of the sites when PEs distribute these 
   routes across backbone, these labels are inner labels in label stack
   during encapsulation before forwarding VPN packets across backbone. 
   To guarantee the isolation of VPN service in backbone, VPN packets 
   are forwarded in tunnels between Ingress PE and Egress PE, if some 
   AS in backbone supports MPLS, the tunnel can be LSP, the labels form 
   the LSP are distributed by LDP/RSVP-TE, and these labels are outer 
   labels in label stack, if MPLS is not supported in some AS, then 
   other types of tunnel, such as IPsec(tunnel mode) or GRE tunnel can
   be used. ASBR in DAS and ASBR in PAS can distribute labels for each 
   other by MP-EBGP between them, these labels will be encapsulated as 
   outer labels between these two ASBRs.
2.2.4. Segmented Tunnel

  In this method, The tunnel between Ingress PE and Egress PE is 
  composed of segments of those from PE to ASBR in their respective ASes 
  and those between ASBRs. The segments in the respective ASes can be
  LSP formed by outer labels distributed LDP run in ASes, or other type
  of IP tunnel, such as GRE tunnel or IPsec in tunnel mode. Segment 
  between ASes is LSP of label distributed by MP-EBGP between ASBRs.
2.2.5. Forwarding

  VPN packets forwarding in this method is the same as that in Methos 1,
  which is addressed in detail in section 2.1.4.
2.2.6. VPN topology

  This aspect is the same as that in Method 1, which is addressed in 
  section 2.1.5.
2.2.7. Hierarchical IPv4/IPv6 Multi-AS Hybrid Backbone

   In sections 2.2.1. through to 2.2.6., the case where VPN backbone
   is composed of one IPv4 AS(DAS) and one IPv6 AS(PAS) is addressed.
   In some cases, VPN backbone is composed of three or more ASes, and 
   at least one of them is IPv6 AS, then the IPv6 AS with largest number
   of PEs than other IPv6 AS is looked upon as PAS, other IPv6 AS and
   IPv4 AS are looked upon as DAS, in the case of three ASes, the 
   topology can be DAS-PAS-DAS, or DAS-DAS-PAS, it can be looked upon
   as a new DAS was concatenated to the "DAS-PAS" topology as addressed 
   in section 2.2.1 by the rule that PEs in the new DAS establish 
   MP-IBGP to distribute the VPN routes of sites connected to PEs 
   belong to this new DAS, and PEs establish multi-hop MP-EBGP with 
   ASBR in the adjacent AS of this new DAS, and the ASBR involved should
   establish multi-hop MP-EBGP with the ASBR in its adjacent AS, until 
   this MP-EBGP relationship reaches the ASBR in PAS. So the MP-EBGP is 

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   hierarchical multi-hop MP-EBGP, VPN routes of sites across AS can be 
   distributed by this hierarchical multi-hop MP-EBGP. This architecture 
   is called hierarchy of DAS and PAS. Ths case of IPv4/IPv6 Multi-AS 
   Hybrid Backbone can be addressed by this architecture.
3. IPv4 backbone and IPv4/IPv6 hybrid VPN sites

   In the scenario where VPN backbone is IPv4 network of one or more 
   AS, and some VPN sites is IPv4 enable, other VPN sites is IPv6
   enable, and these VPN sites would like to establish VPN service. In 
   this case, the goal can be achieved by assigning the private IPv4
   addresses for these IPv6 sites at PE device, and then run private 
   IPv4 address NAT-PT at the related PE device, an private IPv4 
   address pool can be maintained at PE for every IPv6 VPN site 
   connected. The address pool is denoted in a private IPv4 subnet 
   prefix, and this subnet prefix can't be duplicated in the VPN this 
   subnet prefix belongs to, and PE assigns different private IPv4 
   subnet prefix for different IPv6 sites. NAT-PT address pool assigns
   every private IPv4 address for every IPv6 hosts in IPv6 sites 
   dynamically or statically, so as to every IPv6 host can get unique
   private IPv4 address. To be compatible with other VPN routes, these
   private IPv4 subnet prefix are treated as VPN routes of the 
   corresponding IPv6 sites, and will be formed to IPv4-VPN routes by 
   prefixing with RD, these IPv4-VPN routes can be distributed across
   backbone by MP-BGP in RFC 2858, To identify whether a VPN site is 
   an IPv6 site, we can extend MP-BGP protocol by adding an Extended 
   Community attribute: If-V6-Site, this attribute can be attached to 
   VPN routes when distributing IPv4-VPN among PEs with MP-BGP, for 
   VPN routes of IPv6 sites, both the mapped IPv4 routes(private IPv4 
   subnet prefix maintained by NAT-PT) at PE device and the true IPv6 
   routes of the IPv6 sites should be distributed to the MP-BGP Peer, 
   the true IPv6 routes can be attached to UPDATE message in MP-BGP 
   as the "value" field of If-V6-Site extended community attribute. 
   The MP-BGP Peers which receive these UPDATE message can decide 
   whether to accept the IPv4-VPN routes by matching the Route Target
   attributes as stated in RFC 2547bis, then decide whether to accept
   the true IPv6 routes by identifying if the IPv6 sites of the same 
   VPN is conneted, if MP-BGP Peer connects IPv6 sites of the same VPN,
   the true IPv6 routes will be accepted too, otherwise the true IPv6
   routes will be discarded. By this mechanism, a IPv6 site can visit
   other IPv6 sites with these true IPv6 routes directly, and IPv6 
   packets can be directly encapsulated with MPLS label-stack or GRE
   tunnel header and forwarded across VPN backbone, so that two-way 
   NAT-PT translation at Ingress PE and Egress can be avoided,which 
   maybe introduce the missing information during NAT-PT. In this way,
   the integrity of communication between IPv6 sites in the hybrid VPN
   can be achieved. As to communication between IPv4 site and IPv6 site,
   NAT-PT translation at PE where IPv6 site is connected should be
   performed. Of course, communication among IPv4 sites follows the 
   same rule detailed in RFC 2547bis.
3.1.  Address Family and Route Distribution 

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   We only consider Unicast communication between VPN sites, and 
   Unicast address(IPv4 or IPv6) should be used. Considering
   there are still some IPv4 Sites in the VPN and the scarcity of IPv4
   address, private IPv4 addresses(defined in RFC 1918) are allowed to 
   be used IN vpn sites, and if two VPNs have no sites in common, they 
   may have overlapping address spaces, this aspect is the same as 
   [RFC 2547bis]. For IPv6 sites, the global unicast address should be 
   used, for the huge IPv6 address space, all the addresses are public
   Communications between IPv4 sites or between one IPv4 site and one 
   IPv6 site use IPv4 address, the address for IPv6 site can be the 
   private address assigned by NAT-PT, communications between IPv6 
   sites use IPv6 address. As the true IPv6 routes for the IPv6 sites
   and IPv4 routes(including the subnet prefix for IPv6 sites maintained
   by NAT-PT at PE) are both distributed by IPv4-based MP-BGP across
   backbone, AFI field in MP-BGP can be valued as 1, which is assigned 
   for IPv4 in RFC 1700. SAFI field in MP-BGP can be valued as 128 to 
   denote the address family for VPN-IPv4 address. PEs connect IPv6 
   sites should run NAT-PT, these PEs should be dual-stacked, and CEs
   in those sites having VPN relationships with both IPv4 sites and 
   IPv6 sites should be dual-stacked too, and CEs maintain both IPv4 
   routes and IPv6 routes for these sites. If some sites have only 
   communications with other sites of the same IP version, such as
   IPv4 to IPv4, or IPv6 or IPv6, CEs in these sites can only support
   one IP version protocol and maintain only one IP version routes, 
   in this case, CEs can select only part of the same IP version as 
   the sites in VPN routes when CEs learn VPN routes from PEs.
   As stated above, private IPv4 addresses is used in this method, for 
   the same reason as stated in RFC 2547bis, RD continues to serve the 
   purpose of forming the VPN-IPv4, i.e. A VPN-IPv4 address is a 
   12-byte quantity, beginning with an 8-byte "Route Distinguisher (RD)" 
   and ending with a 4-byte IPv4 address. VRF can also used to maintain
   VPN-IPv4 routes(including the private IPv4 subnet prefix for IPv6 
   site at PE maintained by NAT-PT) as stated in RFC 2547bis, as to the 
   true IPv6 routes received as If-V6-Site attribute value in UPDATE 
   message, they can be maintained seperately from VRF, normally, they 
   can be globally unique. 
   Routing protocol runs between PE and CE to distribute VPN routes, 
   Considering the requirement of distributing both IPv4 routes
   (including Private IPv4 subnet prefix for IPv6 sites at PE maintained 
   by NAT-PT) and true IPv6 routes for IPv6 sites, BGP4+ and IS-ISv6
   protocol which can piggybacking IPv4 and IPv6 routes simultaniously
   are suggested.
   If local site is IPv4 site, CE distributes aggregated IPv4 routes 
   in the local site to PE, and PE distributes to CE the VPN routes of 
   remote sites of the same VPN, if the remote site is IPv6 site, only
   the private IPv4 subnet prefix for that IPv6 site maintained by 
   NAT-PT at the remote PE will be distributed to the local IPv4 site,
   and ignore If-V6-Site attribute attached.

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Internet Draft    draft-defeng-l3vpn-ipv4-ipv6-hybrid-00      June 2004

   If local site is IPv6 site, CE distributes aggregated IPv4 routes 
   in the local site to PE, and PE distributes to CE the VPN routes of 
   remote sites of the same VPN, if the remote site is IPv6 site, the
   VPN routes will include the true IPv6 routes for the remote site, 
   and CE can only learn this part and discard the related private IPv4
   subnet prefix for the remote IPv6 site, if the remote site is IPv4 
   site, the VPN routes for the remote IPv4 site(a.b.c.d/mask) can be 
   translated to the form of (NAT-PT Prefix:a:b:c:d:/(96+mask)) and 
   distribute to CE in the local IPv6 site.
   Note: NAT-PT Prefix in a prefix assigned by IANA.
   After learning VPN routes from CEs, PEs will distribute VPN routes 
   through IPv4-based MP-BGP across backbone, and the true IPv6 routes 
   can be piggybacked on IPv4-based MP-BGP in If-V6-Site attributes 
   with the mechanism stated above.
3.2.  Judgement of IPv4/IPv6 sites

   Whether the sites is IPv6 or not can be identified by the address 
   of the interface(subinterface) between CE and PE, then PE can set
   the related fields in If-V6-Site Extended Community attribute when
   distributing the VPN routes across backbone, and whether the remote
   site is IPv6 can be identified by If-V6-Site attached to VPN routes
3.3. If-V6-Site Attribute

  If-V6-Site is an Extended Community attribute for MP-BGP defined in 
  this document, it is a triple of (Type,Length,Value), the structure
  can be denoted temporarily as follows:
     0                   1                   2                   3
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |T|  length                                                     |
     +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+|
     | IPv6 Route1                   | ...                           |
     | IPv6 Routen                   | ...                           |    

     T: 0 or 1, "0" denotes the site is IPv4 site, "1" denotes the site
     is IPv6 site.
     Length: denotes the number of NLRI entries in the value field. If
     T = 0, then, Length Field should be zero when setting in sender and
     ignore at receiver.
     Value: denotes the specific the true IPv6 routes in the related 
     site in the form of concatenated IPv6 route entries.
3.4. Label Distribution and Tunnel

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   In these aspects, the mechanism in RFC 2547bis can be inherited 
   totally. The inner label can be distributed by Egress PE and 
   attached to VPN routes when PE distributing VPN routes to MP-BGP
   Peers, As to the outer label can be distributed by LDP/RSVP-TE if
   backbone support MPLS, otherwise other type of tunnel can be 
   utilized, such as GRE, IPsec(tunnel mode).
3.5. Forwarding

  (1) For communication between IPv4 sites, the forwarding procedure in
  RFC 2547bis can be inherited, take the situation where MPLS is 
  supported for example, Egress PE distributes the inner labels for 
  different VPN sites when distributing the VPN routes for these sites
  through MP-BGP, when Ingress PE receives VPN routes, the inner labels
  are attached. In addition, LDP/RSVP-TE can run between Ingress PE and
  Egress PE, they can distribute the outer labels between them, and LSP
  between Ingress PE and Egress PE can be setup, VPN packets are 
  encapsulated with two-layer labels and forwarded to Egress PE 
  following the LSP, and the outer label will be popped at Egress PE or
  penultimate hop popped, Egress PE then forwards the VPN packets with 
  inner label to the destination site according the inner packets.
  (2) For communication from IPv4 site to IPv6 site, IPv4 site has 
  learned the private IPv4 subnet prefix for IPv6 site maintained by
  NAT-PT at the remote PE, so the destination address in the VPN packet
  can be the private IPv4 address assigned for IPv6 address of the sink
  host in the remote IPv6 site(this procedure will involve DNS function,
  which is out of the scope of this docuent), this packet is forwarded
  to Egress PE following the normal mechanism stated in RFC 2547bis, at 
  Egress PE, the related NAT-PT will translate the packet to IPv6 
  packet by translating the source IPv4 address to (NAT-PT Prefix:source 
  IPv4 address), and destination address to the true IPv6 address in the 
  IPv6 site( in some cases, the ALG should be deployed at Egress PE to 
  process the address translation in the application layer, however, 
  this aspect will not be discussed in this document). Then the packet
  is forwarded to CE and then reaches the sink host following the normal
  IPv6 forwarding.
  (3) For communication from IPv6 site to IPv4 site, IPv6 site has 
  learned the IPv6 routes in the form of (NAT-PT Prefix:IPv4 routes),
  the destination address of the packet will be set (NAT-PT Prefix:
  destination IPv4 address), the packet is forwarded to Ingress PE,
  NAT-PT at Ingress PE will translate the source IPv6 address to the
  private IPv4 address NAT-PT assigned for the IPv6 host, and translate
  the destination address to the "destination IPv4 address" part in
  IPv6 address of (NAT-PT Prefix:destination IPv4 address) form, and 
  a IPv4 packet will be encapsulated. This packet is forwarded to 
  Egress PE then forwarded to the sink host following the mechanism 
  stated in RFC 2547bis, DNS and ALG may be required in this case, 
  however, it will not be discussed here.
  (4) For communication between IPv6 sites, as stated in the above 
  sections, If-V6-Site Extended Community attribute is introduced
  in this mechanism, and the true IPv6 routes in source and destination 

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  IPv6 sites are learned across backbone, so the packet in the site can
  be forwarded according the true IPv6 routes, when the packet reaches
  Ingress PE, Ingress PE just encapsulates it with two layered label 
  stack and forwarded to Egress PE, then Egress PE forward the packet
  to sink host following the normal IPv6 forwarding procedure. In this
  case, maybe IPv6-DNS is required, however, NAT-PT doesn't participate
  the translation so as to guarantee the integrity of communication 
  between IPv6 sites.

4. Quality of Service

   [2547bis] is applicable.

5. Security Considerarion

  This document extended BGP/MPLS VPN for some scenarios, such as that 
  of IPv4 backbone and IPv4/IPv6 hybrid VPN sites and that of IPv4/IPv6
  Hybrid Backbone and Hybrid VPN sites. All the security analysis 
  stated in http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-l3vpn-
  security-framework-01.txt applys to the mechanisms in this document.
6. IANA Consideration
  This document has no actions for IANA.
7. Normative References

   [2547bis] Rosen et al., "BGP/MPLS VPNs", draft-ietf-ppvpn-
   rfc2547bis-01.txt, January 2004, work in progress

   [2547-GRE/IP] Rekhter and Rosen, "Use of PE-PE GRE or IP in RFC2547
   VPNs", draft-ietf-ppvpn-gre-ip-2547-01.txt, February 2004, work in

   [2547-IPsec] Rosen, De Clercq, Paridaens, T'Joens, Sargor, "Use of
   PE-PE IPsec in RFC2547 VPNs", draft-ietf-ppvpn-ipsec-2547-01.txt,
   February 2004, work in progress

   [BGP-TUNNEL] De Clercq, J., et al., "Connecting IPv6 Islands across
   IPv4 clouds with BGP", draft-ietf-ngtrans-bgp-tunnel-04.txt, work in

   [BGP-EXTCOMM] Ramachandra, Tappan, Rekhter, "BGP Extended Communities
   Attribute", draft-ietf-idr-bgp-ext-communities-05.txt, work in

   [BGP-MP] Bates, Chandra, Katz, and Rekhter, "Multiprotocol Extensions
   for BGP4", June 2000, RFC2858

   [IPv6] Deering, S., and R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6
   (IPv6) Specification", RFC2460.

   [MPLS-ARCH] Rosen, Viswanathan, and Callon, "Multiprotocol Label
   Switching Architecture", RFC3031

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   [MPLS-BGP] Rekhter and Rosen, "Carrying Label Information in BGP4",

   [MPLS-ENCAPS] Rosen, Rekhter, Tappan, Farinacci, Fedorkow, Li, and
   Conta, "MPLS Label Stack Encoding", RFC3032

   [MPLS-LDP] Andersson, Doolan, Feldman, Fredette, Thomas, "LDP
   Specification", RFC3036

   [TRANS] R. Gilligan, E. Nordmark, "Transition Mechanisms for IPv6
   Hosts and Routers", RFC2893.

   [RFC3513] Deering, S., and Hinden, R., "IP Version 6 Addressing
   Architecture", RFC3513.

   [RFC2766] G. Tsirtsis, P. Srisuresh, " Network Address Translation
   - Protocol Translation (NAT-PT)", RFC2766.

8.  Informative References

[RFC1701]   Hanks, S., Li, T., Farinacci, D. and P. Traina,
            "Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)", RFC 1701,
            October 1994.

9. Authors' Addresses

    Li Defeng
    D201 ,HuaWei Bld. No.3 Xinxi Rd.
    Hai-Dian District BeiJing P.R.China
    Zip : 100085
    Email : 77cronux.leed0621@huawei.com

10. IPR Disclosure
  By submitting this Internet-Draft, I certify that any applicable
  patent or other IPR claims of which I am aware have been disclosed,
  and any of which I become aware will be disclosed, in accordance with
  RFC 3668."

11. IPR Notice

   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
   Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed
   to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology
   described in this document or the extent to which any license
   under such rights might or might not be available; nor does it
   represent that it has made any independent effort to identify any
   such rights.  Information on the procedures with respect to rights
   in RFC documents can be found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
   assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
   attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use
   of such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
   specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository
   at http://www.ietf.org/ipr.
   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention
   any copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other
   proprietary rights that may cover technology that may be required
   to implement this standard.  Please address the information to the
   IETF at ietf-ipr@ietf.org.

12. Copyright Notice and Disclaimer  
  Copyright (C) The Internet Society (year).  This document is
  subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP
  78, and except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their
  This document and the information contained herein are provided on an

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