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Teredo for Standards Track in Unman scenarios?


(co-chair hat on)

(There was already rough consensus in May 2004, but let's do this in a
slightly more formal manner.)

In draft-ietf-v6ops-unmaneval-03.txt we found that we need
draft-huitema-v6ops-teredo-02.txt (Teredo) to have an automatic
tunneling mechanism with NAT traversal.

Let me try to summarize the consensus:

1. Problem: for a software vendor to be able to deploy IPv6 on large
scale, irrespective of the IPv6 support (or lack thereof) by the local
ISPs, automatic tunneling mechanisms, optimizing the path between the
IPv6 leaf networks/nodes are needed.  When the gateway cannot be
upgraded to support IPv6, and private addresses are used, a
NAT-traversing mechanism is required.

2. Why this solution: there haven't been other solutions for automatic
tunneling through NATs to be used across the Internet.  Several tunnel
server/broker -like techniques also provide (or could provide)  NAT
traversal, but are insufficient for this problem for large-scale
deployment especially when the local ISPs do not offer IPv6.  Teredo
is implemented and deployed, and there are multiple implementations.

3. Is this ready:  Review has been requested from v6ops participants
in June 2004, and only one review was sent on the list, requiring
minor editing.  Therefore, the document is ready to be progressed for
Standards Track.

If you disagree with these conclusions, please respond within about a
week, by the end of 1st August.


(co-chair hat off)