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Re: reminder: clarification on tunnel entry-point address in "draft-ietf-v6ops-mech-v2-04.txt"


Pekka Savola wrote:


The proposition was to add language something like "the implementation
MUST verify that a manually the source address, if manually
configured, is an address of the node" to section 3.5.

I am surprised to see here an interpretation of what I suggested (and Erik N. supported), which is not accurate, or correct. Originally, and as a primary importance, I (and Erik N.) referred to the following text in Section 3.5:

              Source Address:

IPv4 address of outgoing interface of the encapsulator or an administratively specified address as described below.

and suggested replacing it with the following text:

              Source Address:

                  IPv4 address of the tunnel entrypoint (encapsulator).

to which in your message of 8/12/04 6:12pm, you replied to me, with CC to Erik N., Bob G., and David K., that it it would be OK (see excerpt from your reply)

--- beginning of excerpt
>Suggested text:
>>        Source Address:
>>              IPv4 address of the tunnel entrypoint (encapsulator).

Would be OK, I guess.

-----end of excerpt

This is confusing. You seem to have changed your mind. Do you agree or not to this change?

This suggested text above is fixing a fundamental protocol problem, that I and Erik N. pointed you to, which makes no sense wasting time arguing if you maintain your position to agree to the change.

The secondary importance text at the end of Section 3.5, that need changing, and to which I made suggestions, as well as some text in Section 3.6, which turns out at a careful reading to be confusing, can be discussed separately.


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