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RE: mech-v2-05pre

On Wed, 25 Aug 2004, Karen E. Nielsen (AH/TED) wrote:
> Wrt the definition of the point-to-point link concept for IPv6  - then
> RFC 2461, Section 2.2,  states:
>   "point-to-point - a link that connects exactly two interfaces.  A
>                     point-to-point link is assumed to have multicast
>                     capability and have a link-local address."
> When using the term "point-to-point links" in section 3.8 of mech-v2, 
> I have always assumed the above definition to be the one referred to - ?

Yes, that's how sect 3.8 uses Neighbor Discovery. I don't see a
conflict.  The goal of that definition is to define point-to-point for
higher layers.  We want to give a clear statement on what the
point-to-point is from the perspective of the lower layers.

The quote says p2p connects two interfaces.  That's OK, but that
refers (in this case) to the logical IPv6 tunnel interfaces, not the
physical underlying interfaces which are not necessarily even

What we want to say is that the v6 link is a virtual point-to-point as
defined in above, and the lower layer endpoints of that p2p link are
the v4 addresses which are configured on the endpoint nodes' physical
interfaces. [and specifically, the lower layer endpoints aren't just 
any addresses on the endpoint nodes, rather the specific v4 addresses]

But that seems way too confusing way to put it, so just saying
"virtual p2p between v4 addresses" seems shorter and sufficiently

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings