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Re: mech-v2-05pre

On Wed, 25 Aug 2004, Fred Templin wrote:
> In section 3.6, change:
>    "If the payload is not at least 40 bytes in length (i.e., the minimum
>    IPv6 packet), the packet MUST be discarded.  Likewise, if the the
>    version encoded in the first 4 bits of the encapsulated packet is not
>    "6", the packet MUST be discarded.
>    The encapsulating IPv4 header is discarded."
> to:
>   "The encapsulating IPv4 header is discarded, and the version
>    encoded in the first 4 bits of encapsulated packet is checked.
>    If the version is "6" and the payload is not at least 40 bytes in
>    length (i.e., the minimum IPv6 packet), the packet is discarded.
>    (Procedures for handling packets with version other than "6" are
>    out of scope.)"
> If anyone is unsure why this is being suggested, please see the
> IPvLX draft before commenting here.

I think this proposed change would only add ambiguity.  It seems
clearer to specify these before specifying discarding the v4 header.

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings