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DNS Weather Report 2004-08-31

[sorry! resent, wrong subject date!]

DNS WEATHER REPORT for selected infrastructure zones
Issue 2004-08-31

Zones analyzed and their SOA contacts:
- .             
- arpa.         nstld@verisign-grs.com
- int.          noc@icann.org
- in-addr.arpa  bind@arin.net
- ip6.arpa.     hostmaster@icann.org
- ip6.int.      hostmaster@ep.net

[Operators: please let me know wether you do want a copy when there's
no problem with your zone(s) or not. Don't want to annoy anyone

Executive summary:
* m.root out-of-sync problem got fixed within one hour after I've sent
  out report 2004-08-24. Thanks WIDE!
* The INT problem with the non-matching NS RRset (in-zone and
  delegation) was also fixed. Unfortunately ns.isi.edu is _still_ out
  of sync.
* The IP6.ARPA NS RRset discrepancy got worse over the last week.
* ns.isi.edu is _still_ auth for IP6.INT where it shouldn't be.

The state of the root zone

The state of the ARPA zone

The state of the INT zone
- ns.isi.edu is not in sync with the other nameservers
  Current SOA serial of the INT TLD: 2004082300,
  ns.isi.edu has still 2002080104 and is publishing
  stale data (e.g. an old NS RRset for the zone).

  Problem exists since at least 2004-08-24

The state of the IN-ADDR.ARPA zone

The state of the IP6.ARPA zone
- in-zone NS RRset doesn't match the delegation NS RRset.

  in-zone RRset:        delegation RRset:
  ----------------      -----------------
  ns.apnic.net.         ns.apnic.net.
  ns.icann.org.         ns.icann.org.
  ns-sec.ripe.net.      ns.ripe.net.
  tinnie.arin.net.      tinnie.arin.net.

  Problem known, RIPE sent a reminder to ip6.arpa operators two weeks
  ago, obviously without any outcome. Since the last DNS weather report
  last week, ns.lacnic.net. was added. Looks like now at least two
  change requests for the ip6.arpa delegation are pending.
  Problem exists since in various degrees since at least 2004-08-24

The state of the IP6.INT zone
- ns.isi.edu (one of the INT TLD servers) feels authoritative for the
  IP6.INT zone, but is neither listed in the delegation NS RRset, nor
  in the in-zone NS RRset of IP6.INT.
  Luckily, ns.isi.edu carries ip6.int with the same SOA serial as the
  official servers, so induces no operational problems so far.

  Problem exists since at least 2004-08-24
