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Going forward with zero-config tunneling requirement


(co-chair hat on)

There has been some discussion on whether the zero-config tunneling
requirements document should be specific to 3GPP or not.  Assisted
tunneling document also includes some discussion overlapping this
problem space.  These issues will need to be resolved to make

(i.e., draft-nielsen-v6ops-zeroconf-goals-01.txt + 

People who have commented on this seem to have reached (off-list)  
consensus that draft-nielsen should be revised to be more explicitly
3GPP -specific, the 'simple' mode should be removed from assisted
tunneling requirements, and a new document, discussing the the more
general 'zero-config' problem space (ISP/unmanaged, possibly
enterprise) should be written.

(The primary alternative would have been to expand 
draft-nielsen's scope to include all the zero-config tunneling 

The goal is to be able to revise or write the documents ASAP, adopt
them as WG documents, and proceed to WG last calls as appropriate

If you have comments about this direction, want to volunteer to help,
etc. -- please speak up ASAP either on- or off-list as appropriate.

(hat off)

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings