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	(sorry to spam 3 wgs, i have not received response to subscription
	request for anycast@anarg.jp yet)

> draft-ata-ipv6-anycast-resolving-02.txt
> A Protocol for Anycast Address Resolving

	due to the way the proposal resolves (or hides) anycast address
	into unicast address, we will experience a severe problem.  application
	thinks that it is communicating with anycast address AA, but ARL
	(basically a NAT within client) translates it into unicast address.

	therefore, applications which embeds address into its protocol payload
	(like ftp) won't work as expected. section 4 (applicability statement)
	is not true.

	appendix A (how to map anycast address into unicast) basically has no
	security considerations.  section 5 (security consideration) is also
	too weak.

	another issue with this approach is, that anycast is being used as
	service discovery mechnaism on the first contact only.  anycast has
	other benefits such as failure recovery/tolerance.  these benefits are
	gone with this draft.
