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Re: Stepping down as IETF chair in March - & - RE: A personal take on WG's priorities..

On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 12:38:21 PST, Tony Hain said:

> all space currently considered lost. Given that IANA allocated 9 /8's over a
> 6 month period this year, coupled with the fact that only 78 /8's remain in
> the useful part of the pool (ie: 52 month burn out),

They said that just before CIDR happened, too.

>From the routing-table summary posted to the NANOG list this morning:

Number of addresses announced to Internet:                   1348239976
     Equivalent to 80 /8s, 92 /16s and 130 /24s
     Percentage of available address space announced:               36.4
     Percentage of allocated address space announced:               58.8
     Percentage of available address space allocated:               61.9

So 40% isn't even *allocated* yet (saying that we're probably burning /8's
faster than needed, but only 36% of the available space is actually routed.

Sounds to me like we've got more time than 52 months, if we start doing
stuff now to increase the usage efficiencies....

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