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RE: IPv4 consumption statistics and extrapolations

--On 6. november 2004 17:15 -0800 Christian Huitema <huitema@windows.microsoft.com> wrote:

By the way, I must apologize. I had a bug in the spreadsheet that I used,
and the numbers that I quoted are goofy. The consumption did increase
during the last year, but not quite that fast. Let's say that, depending
on which number you pick, the consumption per year is between 4 and 10
blocks, which means an exhaustion in 10 to 15 years if the rates
continue. But it also mean that we are de facto in the upper size of the
S curve, because we have passed the 50% capacity point.

your remark reminds me of the red-and-black chart of allocated and routed addresses that someone (KC?) showed at an IETF plenary some years back.

Other people called it "proof that there is no problem".

I called it "halfway to Hell".