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Comments on draft-vandevelde-v6ops-nap-00

Overall, very nice thrust :)

   has some perceived benefits.  Indeed, in an Internet model based on
   universal any-to-any connectivity, product marketing departments have
   driven a perception that some connectivity and security concerns can
   only be solved by using a NAT device or by using logically separated
   LAN address spaces.  

>> But it's not any-to-any, is it?  Maybe "originally based on the concept
   of universal any-to-any connectivity, this concept has been stifled by
   product marketing departments who have sold consumers a perception..."
   (and as a result, we have an Internet of consumers...)

   This document describes the market perceived
   reasons to utilize a NAT device in an IPv4 environment and shows how
   these needs can be met and even exceeded with native IPv6.  The use

>> What do you mean by "native" here?  (some readers may not know)

   This document describes several techniques that may be combined on an
   IPv6 site to protect the integrity of its network architecture.
   These techniques, known collectively as NAP, retain the concept of a
   well defined boundary between "inside" and "outside" the private
   network, and allow firewalling, topology hiding, and privacy and
   achieve these goals without address translation.

>> Are we concerned with address translation here, or use of private (site
   local) addresses?   The latter has no translation, but may leak...

2.  Perceived benefits of NAT and its impact on IPv4

2.2  Simple security due to stateful filter implementation

   It is frequently believed that a NAT device puts in an extra barrier
   to keep the private network protected from evil outside influences
   due to the stateful character of NAT technology (to protect against
   hackers, worms, etc..).  

>> I'd not say "evil" even if it is :)

>> Also, "stateful" isn't the thing, it's that the internal (private)
   addresses cannot (usually) be routed to/contacted from outside the 
   private network.

   This benefit may be partially real; however,
   experienced hackers are well aware of NAT devices and are very
   familiar with the private address space, and hence the secure feeling
   is in vain.

>> A little wooly; perhaps specify the vulnerability in more detail.

   Address translation does not provide security on itself; for example,
   consider a configuration with static NAT translation and all ports
   translating to a single machine.  In such a scenario the security
   risk for that machine is identical as if there were no NAT device in
   the communication path.  As result there is no specific security
   value in the address translation function.  The perceived security
   comes from the lack of pre-established mapping state.  Dynamically
   establishing state in response to internal requests reduces the
   threat of unexpected external connections to internal devices.

>> And of course many vulnerabilities these days are not from IP-based
   connections into a network, but from data received by the network
   (emails, images, web pages, etc).   NAT is just a piece of the picture.

>> Some NAT users will also map ports to enable services into their
   NATed network; here the NAT adds complexity; not sure that's captured
   in the draft?

2.3  User/Application tracking

   Due to the fact that NAT is a stateful technology, it could provide
   limited capabilities for the administrator of the NAT to gather
   information about who in the private network is requesting access to
   which Internet location.  This can be done by checking the network
   address translation details of the private and the public addresses
   of the NAT devices state-database.

>> But this can be done (and is done) with non-NATed networks?.

2.4  Privacy and topology hiding

   The ability NAT to provide internet access by the use of a single (or
   few) global IPv4 routable addresses to a large community of users
   offers a simple mechanism to hide the internal topology of a network.
   In this example the large community will be reflected in the internet
   by a single (or few) IPv4 address(es).

   The use of NAT then results in a user behind a NAT gateway actually
   appearing on the Internet as a user inside the NAT box itself; i.e.,
   the IPv4 address that appears on the Internet is only sufficient to
   identify the NAT.  Thus it is impossible to tell from the outside
   which member of a family, which customer of an Internet cafâ, or
   which employee of a company generated or received a particular
   packet, if concealed behind NAT.  Thus, although NATs do nothing to
   provide application level privacy, they do prevent the external
   tracking and profiling of individual host computers by means of their
   IP addresses.  At the same time it creates a smaller pool of
   addresses for a much more focused point of attack.

>> There is a similarity with app-level, in that a NAT offers similar
   "privacy" for web users as a web cache (although the details of what
   is - or is not - logged at the NAT/proxy will be deifferent).

   Some enterprises prefer to hide as much as possible of their internal
   network topology from outsiders.  Mostly this is achieved by blocking
   "traceroute" etc., but NAT of course entirely hides the internal
   subnet topology, which some network managers believe is a useful
   precaution to mitigate scanning attacks.

>> Perhaps talk somewhere about two-faced DNS, which is used to 
   support this model.

>> Also scanning in v6 can be much harder, by obscurity (see

2.5  Independent control of addressing in a private network

   Due to the ongoing depletion of the IPv4 address range, the remaining
   pool of unallocated IPv4 addresses is below 30%.  Recent consumption
   rates are over 7% of the total IPv4 space per year.  This run rate
   leaves about 4 years to deplete the remaining unallocated pool.  

>> Recent IETF list discussion would "debate" these numbers :)

   Many private IPv4 networks take benefit from using the address space
   defined in RFC 1918 to enlarge the available addressing space for
   their private network, and at the same time reduce their need for
   globally routable addresses.  This type of local control of address
   resources allow a clean and hierarchical addressing structure in the

>> But v6 addressing for the enterprise is a /48 (in effect a Class A
   of v4 address space, but with 2^64 hosts per subnet not 2^8).  

>> With v6, you are far less likely to need to go back to ask for more
   address space (with the paperwork that goes with that).

>> With v6, you don't have to resize subnets to use v4 address space
   efficiently; an enterprise today may have a mix of /28 - /23 size
   subnets for example, and may shrink/grow these as their network
   user base/etc changes.  In v6, it's all /64.

   Another benefit is due to the usage of independent addresses on
   majority of the network infrastructure there is an increased ability
   to change provider with less operational difficulties.

>> This is a BIG plus for v4 today; no PI addressing in v6.

2.6.1  Medium/large private networks

   Under this category fall the majority of private enterprise networks.
   Many of these networks have one or more exit points to the Internet.
   There are several reasons why NAT be be used in such a network.  For

>> "be be" -> "may be"

   the ISP there is no need to import the IPv4 address range from the
   remote end-customer, which facilitates IPv4 address summarization.
   The customer can use a larger IPv4 address range (probably with
   less-administrative overhead) by the use of RFC 1918 and NAT.  The
   customer also reduces the overhead in changing to a new ISP, because
   the addresses assigned to devices behind the NAT do not need to be
   changed when the customer is assigned a different address by a new
   ISP.  Finally, the customer can provide privacy about its hosts and
   the topology of its internal network if the internal addresses are
   mapped through NAT.

>> So be more explicit and say "using NAT avoids the need for network 
   renumbering" and that "NAT can help support IPv4 site multihoming"
   (though of course both solutions have restrictions and come at a
   price)   You do mention this further down, I note,

2.6.3  Single user connection

   This group identifies the users which are connected via a single IPv4
   address and use a single piece of equipment (PC, PDA, etc.).  This
   user may get an ambiguous IPv4 address from the service provider
   which is based on RFC 1918.  If ambiguous addressing is utilized, the
   service provider will execute NAT on the allocated IPv4 address for
   global Internet connectivity.  This also limits the internet
   capability of the equipment to being mainly a receiver of Internet
   data, and makes it quite hard for the equipment to become a world
   wide internet server (i.e.  HTTP, FTP, etc.) due to the stateful
   operation of the NAT equipment.

>> Or you have a SOHO user with one NAT device (e.g. cable modem) and
   only one home PC.   That's different to receiving a private v4
   address that is NATed higher up the ISP network.

>> Also in Section 3, maybe mention that NAT is often not a customer
   choice; it's frequently imposed by the ISP, or deployed because the
   organisation outsourced its IT.

>> Is there an (obvious) new subsection for the case where the deploying
   network for some reason feels it is unable to get enough global v4
   address space, or the scenario is one where the number of attaching
   nodes is unknown (e.g. a WLAN provision at a conference or hotel?)

3.  Description of the IPv6 tools

   This section describes several features that can be used to provide
   the protection features associated with IPv4 NAT.

3.1  Privacy addresses (RFC 3041)

   There is nothing that prevents a DHCP server from running RFC 3041
   for any new MAC it hears, then remembering that for future queries.
   This would allow using them in DNS for registered services since the
   assumption would be a persistent value that minimizes DNS churn.

>> Any comment on the RFC3041-considered-harmful viewpoint here?

>> 3041 is very like v4 NAT in that 3041 doesn't protect the subnet ID
   just as NAT doesn't protect the v4 global address used.

3.2  Unique Local Addresses

   A unique local address (ULA) is an IPv6 unicast address format that
   is globally unique and is intended for local communications [12].
   These are expected NOT to be routed on the global Internet.  They are
   routable inside of a more limited area defined by a local network

>> Note also draft-ietf-ipv6-ula-central-00, i.e. the ULA itself may
   not be unique, whereas the centrally assigned prefixes should be.
   For sites looking to merge without use of NAT, the central method
   would give a greater assurance of no clash.

3.4  Untraceable IPv6 addresses

   These are globally routable IPv6 addresses which can be randomly and
   dynamically assigned to IPv6 devices and are globally aggregatable
   addresses assigned to the local network by either a registry or
   connecting ISP.  The random assignment has as purpose to confuse the
   outside world on the structure of the local network, while for the
   local network the location of the randomly assigned IPv6 address is
   known and connectivity inside the local network can exist.  The goal
   is to create a network infrastructure which appears from external
   networks with an unpredictable structure, to avoid malicious events
   to happen to the local network.  When using untraceable IPv6
   addresses, it may be that two apparently sequential addresses are
   reachable on very different parts of the local network instead of
   belonging to the same subnet next to each other.

>> Is there a reference to this?  I'm not sure how this would actually
   be implemented, or of the drawbacks of doing so.

>> Maybe "infinitely" sized subnets are an IPv6 "tool", in that a
   subnet can absorb any number of hosts (in theory at least) without
   subnet resizing or needing to NAT (if the network had a Class C v4
   and might have more than 253 nodes attaching simultaneously).

>> Related is the issue of dynamic vs static address allocation; does
   the same node get the same IP address when attaching each time, or
   to conserve (v4) address space is the address dynamic?   If a 
   network has a Class C v4 and has 1,000 users of whom only 100 may
   be attached at any one time, in v4 you need dynamic addressing, 
   in v6 you don't.

4.1  Simple gateway between Internet and internal network

   The connection creation towards the global Internet hosts/systems
   will always happen with global IPv6 addresses.  An enterprise will
   typically receive a global IPv6 address prefix from his connecting
   IPv6 Service Provider.

>> "his" -> "its"

4.2  IPv6 and Simple security

   The vulnerability of an IPv6 host is similar as for an IPv4 host
   directly connected towards the Internet, and firewall and IDS systems
   are recommended.  However, with IPv6, the following protections are
   available without the use of NAT:

   1.  Short lifetimes on privacy extension suffixes reduce the attack
       profile since the node will not respond to the address once the
       address is no longer valid.

>> Important because with port-scanning very hard to do in v6, attackers
   will need to gather target addresses from various server log files,
   and then try these.

   2.  IPsec is a mandatory service for IPv6 implementations.  IPsec
       functions to prevent session hijacking, prevent content
       tampering, and optionally masks the packet contents.  While IPsec
       might be available in IPv4 implementations, deployment in NAT
       environments either breaks the protocol or requires complex
       helper services with limited functionality.

>> Or significant compromises in trust.

   3.  The size of the typical subnet ::/64 will make a network ping
       sweep and resulting port-scan virtually impossible due to the

Van de Velde, et al.     Expires April 12, 2005                [Page 11]
Internet-Draft    IPv6 Network Architecture Protection      October 2004

       amount of possible combinations available

>> See the port-scanning draft :)

   This simple rule would create similar protection and security holes
   the typical IPv4 NAT device will offer and may for example be enabled
   by default on all broadband edge-routers.  but with that difference
   that the security caveats will be documented, and may hence be
   removed with the next revision of the rule.  The goal is that every
   iteration, the IPv6 internet will become more secure for the
   oblivious users.

>> The snag is configuring this in home networking scenarios (for example)
   where today NAT "does the job"; as we require network access into the 
   home, how do we let Joe User say "my PDA can access my home DVR?".

   unrealistic) pings to map the network, and virus/worm propagation
   will be thwarted in the process At full rate 40Gbps (400 times the
   typical 100Mbps LAN, and 13,000 times the typical DSL/Cable access
   link) it takes over 5000 years to scan a single 64 bit space.

>> Again, see the port-scanning draft.   You may find other notes worth
   reusing in there.

4.4  Privacy and topology hiding using IPv6

   By using untraceable addresses, it is possible to only allocate
   certain parts of the internal network with global prefixes, while
   other, private network parts do not have global prefixes and remain
   totally cut off from the outside.  If an edge firewall is used (which
   is strongly suggested) a traffic policy can be implemented as today,
   based on various filtering and inspection rules.  (Older techniques
   such as application level proxies and SOCKS also remain available.)

>> Worth mentioning (two-faced) DNS issues here?

   If there is need to mask the internal structure towards the external
   IPv6 internet, then the usage of 'Untraceable' addresses may be used.
   These addresses will be derived from a local pool, and may be
   assigned to those hosts for which topology masking is required or
   which want to reach the IPv6 Internet or other external networks.

>> I think a separate I-D on "untraceable" addresses might be useful?

   The technology to assign these addresses to the hosts could be based
   on DHCPv6.  To complement the 'Untraceable' addresses it is needed to
   have at least awareness of the IPv6 address location when routing an
   IPv6 packet through the internal network.  This could be achieved by
   'route-injection' in the network infrastructure.  This
   route-injection could be done based on ::/128 host-routes to each
   device that wants to connect to the Internet. 

>> I think you make a good point about scalability; need to have some 
   clearer idea of the tradeoffs here?  (or in the separate I-D)

4.6.2  small private networks

   The category describes those networks which only have only few
   routers in the topology, and have a single network egress point.
   These networks are also known as SOHO (Small Office/Home Office)
   networks.  Typically these networks don't have dedicated Network
   Operation Center (NOC) and are using either a dial-up connection or
   broadband access..

>> Most SOHO networks are single (access) router networks?

4.6.4  ISP/Carrier customer networks

   This group refers to the actual service providers that are providing
   the IP access.  They tend to have three separate IP domains that they
   support.  For the first they fall into the Medium/large private
   networks category (above) for their own internal networks, LANs etc.
   and will be able to use the same solutions as above.  The second is
   their Operations network which addresses their backbone and access
   switches, and other hardware, this is separate for both engineering
   reasons as well as simplicity in managing the security of the
   backbone, for this it is again possible to configure a single range
   of addresses with the defined local scope defined in order to prevent
   these from being accessed from the public network.  The third is the
   IP addresses (single or blocks) that they assign to customers.  These
   can be registered addresses (usually given to category a and b and
   sometimes c) or can from a pool of RFC 1918 addresses used with NAT
   for single user connections.  Therefore they can actually have two
   different NAT domains that are not connected (internal LAN and single
   user customers) again this will be resolved by the large availability
   of addresses and the procedures mentioned above.

>> So the main gain is simplified network management for the operator?
   Or something else?   Might be useful to make it clear. 

4.7  Multihoming and renumbering

   The IPv6 address space allocated by the ISP will be dependent upon
   the connecting Service provider.  This may result in a renumbering
   effort if the enterprise changes from Service Provider.  To keep the

>> "from" -> "its"

   impact on the gateway when changing ISP to a zero human touch
   environment, DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation [10] can be used.

>> You might want to cite Fred's draft here if you don't already, and
   also draft-chown-v6ops-renumber-thinkabout-00.   One specific 
   scenario to add here for renumbering might be network mergers?

5.  Additional benefits due to Native IPv6 and universal unique

   Is all of the material in this section, specifically the material
   that does not directly address the "advantages" of IPv4 NAT,

>> It is useful to document somewhere;  perhaps split into two sections,
   one in poker terms that "sees" IPv4 NAT, and one that raises the bet
   with IPv6?

5.1  Universal any-to-any connectivity

   One of the original design points of the Internet was any-to-any
   connectivity.  The dramatic growth of Internet connected systems
   coupled with the limited address space of the IPv4 protocol spawned
   address conservation techniques.  NAT was introduced as a tool to
   reduce demand on the limited IPv4 address pool, but the side effect
   of the NAT technology was to remove the any-to-any connectivity
   capability.  By removing the need for address conservation (and
   therefore NAT), IPv6 returns the any-to-any connectivity model and
   removes the limitations on application developers.  With the freedom
   to innovate unconstrained by NAT traversal efforts, developers will
   be able to focus on new advanced network services (i.e.  peer-to-peer
   applications, IPv6 embedded IPsec communication between two
   communicating devices, instant messaging, Internet telephony, etc..)
   rather than focusing on discovering and traversing the increasingly
   complex NAT environment.

>> There are some good "transparency" type RFCs from Brian and others
   that could be cited here.   2775 springs to mind.   Also RFC on
   implications of using NAT - 2993 I think.

5.2  Auto-configuration

   IPv6 offers a scalable approach to minimizing human interaction and
   device configuration.  Whereas IPv4 implementations require touching
   each end system to indicate the use of DHCP vs.  a static address and
   management of a server with the pool size large enough for the
   potential number of connected devices, IPv6 uses an indication from
   the router to instruct the end systems to use DHCP or the stateless
   auto configuration approach supporting a virtually limitless number
   of devices on the subnet.  This minimizes the number of systems that
   require human interaction as well as improves consistency between all
   the systems on a subnet.  In the case that there is no router to
   provide this indication, an address for use on the local link only
   will be derived from the interface media layer address.

>> Not sure about this.  Most OSes will do DHCP(v4) by default today,
   when connecting.  So "autoconfiguration" is there, but it requires
   DHCP to be set up somewhere by the "provider".   How widely used
   is the IPv4 link-local equivalent under 169. - seems to be mainly
   a Microsoft implemented mechanism?

5.3  Native Multicast services

   Multicast services in IPv4 were severely restricted by the limited
   address space available to use for group assignments and an implicit
   locally defined range for group membership.  IPv6 multicast corrects
   this situation by embedding explicit scope indications as well as
   expanding to 4 billion groups per scope.  In the source specific
   multicast case, this is further expanded to 4 billion groups per
   scope per subnet by embedding the 64 bits of subnet identifier into
   the multicast address.

   IPv6 allows also for innovative usage of the IPv6 address length, and
   makes it possible to embed the multicast 'Rendez-Vous Point' (or RP)
   directly in the IPv6 multicast address when using ASM multicast.
   this is not possible with limited size of the IPv4 address.

>> Cite Pekka's work on this?

>> Also make a comment about SSM and IPv6?   There seems to be a strong
   feeling that IPv6 is an opportunity to get SSM deployed more widely
   with its more streamlined architecture.

5.4  Increased security protection

   The security protection offered by native IPv6 technology is more
   advanced as with IPv4 technology.  There are various transport

>> "as with" -> "than"?

   mechanisms enhanced to allow a network to operate more secure with
   less performance impact:

>> "secure" -> "securely"

   o  On a local network, any user will have more security awareness.
      This awareness will motivate the usage of simple firewall
      applications/devices to be inserted on the border between the
      external network and the local (or home network).

>> I don't think users will be more security aware with IPv6, if they
   even know they're using IPv6.  I think with growing use of shared
   hotspots etc we'll see growing awareness of personal firewalls in

   o  The usage of private address-space in IPv6 still provides with

>> "is now provided by"

      Unique Local Addresses, which will avoid conflict situations when
      joining networks and securing the internal communication on a

>> "joining" -> "merging"

      local network infrastructure due to simpler traffic filtering

5.5  Mobility

   Anytime, anywhere, universal access requires mIPv6 services in

>> "MIPv6"

   support of mobile nodes.  While a Home Agent is required for initial
   connection establishment in either protocol version, IPv6 mobile
   nodes are able to optimize the path between them using the mIPv6

>> "MIPv6"

   option header while IPv4 mobile nodes are required to triangle route
   all packets.  In general terms this will minimize the network
   resources used and maximize the quality of the communication

>> eg. very useful when two mobile nodes in same WLAN with low bandwidth  
   uplink what to share data, to avoid the data passing over the uplink.

5.6   Merging networks

   With the usage of IPv6 the addressing overlap will not exist because
   of the existence of the Unique Local Address usage for private and
   local addressing.

>> As per above, note the difference between the two variants of ULA, one
   centrally assigned.

5.7  Community of interest

   Although some Internet-enabled devices will function as fully-fledged
   Internet hosts, it is believed that many will be operated in a highly
   restricted manner functioning largely or entirely within a Community
   of Interest.  By Community of Interest we mean a collection of hosts
   that are logically part of a group reflecting their ownership or
   function.  Typically, members of a Community of Interest need to
   communicate within the community but should not be generally
   accessible on the Internet.  They want the benefits of the
   connectivity provided by the Internet, but do not want to be exposed
   to the rest of the world.  This functionality will be available
   through the usage of NAP and native IPv6 dataflows, without any
   stateful device in the middle.

>> Also maybe talk about virtual organisation networks built on the fly?
   Very difficult to do in IPv4+NAT scenarios.   The nodes may also
   take part in other communications in general.

6.  IPv6 gap analysis

6.3  Minimal traceability of privacy addresses

   Privacy addresses (RFC 3041) may certainly be used within the
   enterprise to limit the traceability of external traffic flows, but
   they would still reveal the subnet address bits.  To eliminate this,
   some combination of privacy addresses with the previous two points is
   required, and this work remains to be done.

>> The use of privacy addresses is also itself generally detectable.

6.4  Renumbering procedure

   Documentation of site renumbering procedures [11] should be
   completed.  It should also be noticed that ULAs will help here too,
   since a change of ISP prefix will only affect hosts that need an
   externally routeable address as well as a ULA.

>> Also draft-chown-v6ops-renumber-thinkabout-00.   Are there downsides
   to using ULAs?  If so, these are not described in this text.  e.g. it
   requires all nodes to implement address selection as desired (favour
   ULA src for ULA dst, global src for global dst, etc).

6.6  Untraceable addresses

   The details of the untraceable addresses, along with any associated
   mechanisms such as route injection, must be worked out and specified.

>> A new I-D on this would be good.

>> What about a set of recommendations for a site?  Like "use ULAs if
   you want feature X", or is this just implied already?