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Re: IPv6 Network Architecture Protection draft


(co-chair hat on)

I'd urge the WG participants to read and comment on this draft; when the revised version gets out, the chairs will probably ask whether the WG wants to adopt the document. It would be good to review it now...

(hat off)

Long mails take a while to digest.. sorry.  Inline...
(I've snipped the text we seem to be in pretty clear agreement about.)

On Fri, 19 Nov 2004, Gunter Van de Velde (gvandeve) wrote:
At 14:31 8/11/2004 +0200, Pekka Savola wrote:
On Thu, 14 Oct 2004, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
The authors would be interested in comments on the draft below.

Thanks. Mine below. I think this is an important and very well-written draft.

I recognize a number of recommendations/v6 approaches which I definitely don't like, but would rather see changed (if it was possible), but because this draft is meant more as a political document I understand why those (more or less) have to be in there...


2.  Perceived benefits of NAT and its impact on IPv4

   This section provides visibility into the generally perceived
   benefits of the use of IPv4 NAT.  The goal of this description is not
   to analyze these benefits or discus the rightfulness of the
   perception, but to identify the connectivity and security
   prerequisites to deploy IPv6 to functionally replace IPv4 combined
   with a NAT device.

==> as said above, this is a practically good approach at finishing this
document in finite time.  I just hope it would have been possible to insert
some enlightenment, possibly a subsection per existing subsection, saying
why a particular concern is not such a big problem or is a bad idea.  You
never know, someone could even be convinced about it.... :-)

Maybe we should do that in appendix or so. We have tried to provide some ventilation or 2th thoughts on a certain perceived benefit, but we also would like to avoid writing new rfc 2993.


   This simple rule would create similar protection and security holes
   the typical IPv4 NAT device will offer and may for example be enabled
   by default on all broadband edge-routers.  but with that difference
   that the security caveats will be documented, and may hence be
   removed with the next revision of the rule.

==> this also needs to discuss how to not throw away the baby with the
bathwater, i.e., how one could deploy e.g. new apps (like p2p) without
having to do the same kind of firewall traversal as v4.  This probably
would need some signalling mechanism or something.. Probably an issue to be

This sounds like the work that Jordi wants to achieve with his distributed security draft? I've added note that we need to discus this little broader in the context of NAP.

Well, there are two approaches here:

1) "MIDCOM"-like pinholing (which could happen independent of firewalling), i.e., how those v6 firewalls get through the stateful firewall if the users/admins want to let them, or

2) Fully distributed security, hosts taking care of (at least certain) aspects, like Jordi has been proposing.

   Based on the amount of connections and required network services the
   network design and addressing dynamics are different.

==> what "connections"?  _simultaneous_?  TCP connections or flows in

This refers to physical connections. I can't see how to identify a physical
link any better in a simple way. maybe the terminology 'physical interconnection' can
be used


  IPv6 allows also for innovative usage of the IPv6 address length, and
   makes it possible to embed the multicast 'Rendez-Vous Point' (or RP)
   directly in the IPv6 multicast address when using ASM multicast.
   this is not possible with limited size of the IPv4 address.

==> I guess it might also be worth saying that using this approach
simplifies the multicast model considerably, making it easier to understand
and to deploy.

I proposed following text based on your comment:

<t>IPv6 allows also for innovative usage of the IPv6 address length, and makes
it possible to embed the multicast 'Rendez-Vous Point' (or RP) directly in the
IPv6 multicast address when using ASM multicast. this is not possible with
limited size of the IPv4 address. This approach also simplifies the multicast
model considerably, making it easier to understand and deploy </t>
<end snip>


   o  The technology to enable source-routing on a network
      infrastructure has been enhanced to allow this feature to
      function, without impacting the processing power of intermediate
      network devices.  The only devices impacted with the
      source-routing will be the source and destination node and the
      intermediate source-routed nodes.  This impact behavior is
      different if IPv4 is used, because then all intermediate devices
      would have had to look into the source-route header.  Looking into
      the source-route header consumed CPU power of these devices and
      was generally discouraged to be enabled on a network due to
      potential Denial-of-Service attack potential.

==> this is technically not correct.  Both v4 and v6 behave the same way;
the routing header is only processed by those nodes who are at the
destination address (before it's changed), so on-path nodes don't need to
peek at the packets.  I suggest this bullet be removed.

Will look deeper into it. I always believed that a router falls back to CPU switching from the moment an option is set in the IPv4 header as the router doesn't know which options were used. This is one of the (many) reasons ISP don't allow this through the network as it eats-up CPU cycles and makes forwarding these packets slow.

but as you seem so certain i will double-check.

I guess there may be routing platforms which perform like that with IP options on packets they're forwarding, but I doubt it.. that would be way too easy way to DoS the system.

However, it undoubtedly happens on many systems that if the router would be used as a destination address on a packet with IP option + source routing, the source routing would be done on the CPU. Which is one reason many have disabled it (in addition to there not being many legitimate uses for it in the first place).

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings