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Re: draft-huitema-v6ops-teredo-03.txt


Three points:

1. Teredo Client definition
  The current definition "A node that has some access to the IPv4 Internet
and wants to gain access to the IPv6 Internet" is IMHO much too large.
  It could advantageously be become something like:
  "A node that has some access to the IPv4 Internet via an IPv4-only node
where NAT is operational, and that wants to gain access to the IPv6

 2. NAT definition
  The document neither includes a definition of NATs, nor refers to a
document which does it.
  It would help if the scope of NATs considered in the document would be
concisely delimited, e.g. with a definition like:  "NATs referred to in this
document are IPv4-only mechanisms which, at least for some restricted
applications, provide access to the IPv4 global address space from some IPv4
private address spaces. They use for this stateful translation of addresses
and possibly of port numbers ."

 3. Page numbers.
  In the table of contents page numbers exceed by 1 the appropriate values.
Fixing it would improve the document.

(These points were made in a mail already answered by Eric Klein but, sent
from an unregistered address, didn't appear in  the mailin list.)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Margaret Wasserman" <margaret@thingmagic.com>
To: <ericlklein@softhome.net>; <henrik@levkowetz.com>;
<karen.e.nielsen@ericsson.com>; <Francis.Dupont@enst-bretagne.fr>;
<Markku.Ala-Vannesluoma@nokia.com>; "Jonathan Rosenberg"
Cc: <v6ops@ops.ietf.org>
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 4:47 PM
Subject: draft-huitema-v6ops-teredo-03.txt

> Hi Eric, Henrik, Karen, Francis, Markku and Jonathan,
> There is a new version of the Teredo draft available at:
> http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-huitema-v6ops-teredo-03.txt
> Could you check whether this version addresses the issues that you
> raised during IETF LC?  It would be best if you could review this
> document and return any feedback by this Thursday, 9-Dec-04.
> If there are no further objections, I will place this draft on the
> IESG agenda for consideration on our 16-Dec-04 telechat.
> Thanks!
> Margaret