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Re: DHCPv6 and Relay-to-Server Multicasting ...

Hi John,
     The use of a site-local multicast address will require a multicast
infrastructure.  That could be something as complex as managing
an RP-based multicast routing infrastructure.  It could also be done
using MLDv2 and SSM routing.  And in one scenario, I have seen
*static* multicast routes for DHCPv6 servers.

     So, in short, a multicast infrastructure is needed when using
FF-5::1:3.  It is up to the deployer to determine the complexity of
that infrastructure.


On Jan 23, 2005, at 17:44, John Spence, CCSI, CCNA, CISSP wrote:

I posted this question on the IETF DHC Working Group list, but got no response - thought I might ask here as well.

---------- question ---------

Does DHCPv6, using site-local multicast support for the relay-to-server
traffic (FF05::1:3), assume that the servers are running MLD, and that there
is a multicast RP in the network - as would be common for more traditional
multicast applications (like one-to-many video streaming)? I see in the RFC
that the relays *may* be configured with the unicast addresses of the
servers, but they need not be - and the default is to use the site-local
multicast capability.

I'm envisioning this scenario. Suppose we have 1000 DHCPv6 clients, and a
100 vLAN network, with DHCPv6 servers in the core and relays around the
edges. Suppose we have 100 relays and 3 servers, and we'll assume that the
relay support is not built into the routers - the relays are standalone

I do not see any way to get site-local multicast packets from the relays to
the servers without an end-to-end traditional MLD/PIM multicast-enabled
infrastructure. Is that right, or is there another mechanism at work here,
or another document that covers how DHCPv6 and IPv6 multicast are related?


Thanks for any clues or pointers.

John Spence
John Spence, CCSI, CCNA, CISSP
Native6, Inc.
IPv6 Training and Consulting

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