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Re: Last Call on draft-ietf-v6ops-security-overview-02.txt

Today is the last day of the wg last call for this document (assuming we actually count forwards ;-) ).

I have not seen any comments during the last call, but my own scan of the document has revealed a few nits and I have added an improved example in section 4.3.

The changes I am proposing are:

02 -> 03
Several instances of 'unrecognized' appear to have vanished (probably while changing them from
unrecognised in the previous edit.
s2.1.4: s/an /an unrecognized / (2 instances in next to last para)
s2.1.8.3: s/items /items unrecognized /
s2.1.6: 2nd para: s/to for any future/for any future/
s2.2: last sentence s/and/ and/
s4.1: last sentence: s/in practice, not much used as a consequence/as a consequence, not much used in practice./
s4.3: added additional example of DHCP servers for guessable addresses - updated text is...

  Because the unmemorability of complete IPv6 addresses there is a
  temptation for administrators to use small integers as interface
  identifiers when manually configuring them, as might happen on point-
  to-point links or when provisioning complete addresses from a DHCPv6
  server.  Such allocations make it easy for an attacker to find active
  nodes that they can then port scan.

s4.5:s/in might/it might/

I have a new version ready to go unless there are any last minute comments.

Fred Baker wrote:

With this note, I am opening a working group last call on draft-ietf- v6ops-security-overview-02.txt. This WGLC will close in two weeks, at close of business 19 July. Please read the document and comment to the list - either say that the document is ready, or say what issues you may have with it.
