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Re: V6ops: Service Provider IPv6 Deployments

Dwight Jamieson wrote:
> Are there sources available that track the trends within the more active
> Service Providers about how many /48 addresses they are allocating? How
> many tunnels are they supporting?

XS26 claim to have 10500 tunnels with 9947 subnets.
(From http://www.xs26.net/stat.bat)

A list of tunnel brokers around the world can be found at
http://www.sixxs.net/tools/aiccu/brokers/ but most don't have any public
statistics available.

SixXS, being one of the larger public tunnel providers, currently have
almost 4700 _active_ tunnels.

Number of tunnels (/64's) /subnets (/48's) toward end users/sites:

Traffic Stats:

Where the users come from:

A lot more stats can be found under http://www.sixxs.net/misc/
eg DFP's that are getting announced: http://www.sixxs.net/tools/grh/dfp/
according to which 52.58% (590 prefixes) are being announced of the
blocks that are allocated from the various RIR's.


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