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Re: Guidelines for Numbering IPv6 Point-to-Point Links and Easing the Addressing Plans

> We have submitted before yesterday a new draft, it seems is still not
> available at the IETF repository, but meanwhile, the document can be reached
> at:
> http://www.consulintel.euro6ix.org/ietf/draft-palet-v6ops-point2point-00.txt
> Comments welcome !

   3.  Numbering Interfaces

   Often, in point-to-point links, hardware tokens are not available, so
   frequently they are manually numbered sequentially with most of the
   bits cleared to zero.  This also match the need to keep certain bits
   (u, g) cleared.  This numbering makes as well easier to remember the
   interfaces, which typically will become numbered as 1 (with 63

point to point links, even though they don't have L2 addresses, do
have link-local addresses. I don't know of any implementation which
requires you to manually configure these. typically the implementation
reuses a link-local from an interface with a L2 address.

   4.  Routing Aggregation of the Point-to-Point Links

   Following this approach and assuming that a shorter prefix is
   typically delegated to a customer, in general a /48 [4], it is
   possible to simplify the routing aggregation of the point-to-point
   links.  Towards this, the point-to-point link may be numbered using
   the first /64 of a given /48.

using the first (or any) subnet of a larger prefix, breaks the
conceptual model of DHCP prefix delegation. the prefix is delegated to
the requesting router and cannot be used to number the link between
the delegating and requesting router.
