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Re: Review of draft-ietf-v6ops-nap-02.txt

> We're undoing CIDR-like usage.  Hierarchical addressing is
> going to be wasteful by nature.  I don't know how the IETF 
> can influence the RIR allocation policy, but it's scary 
> how much history seems to be repeating itself.  We're
> at the early end of the cycle, so it may not seem to some 
> that we're handing out addresses with both hands, but we are.
> Walt Lazear

	RIR policy is derived from those who participate in
	the policy development process.  The policy development
	process is analogous to the IETF of last century, when
	what mattered was individual participation... people
	weigh in with thier thoughts and opinions.  ...  Not 
	companies or organizations per.se.    If you don't like
	what the RIR's are doing, consider that the polcies are
	set by folks active in developing policy...

	policies can and have been changed over time.
