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Re: Tunnels and diffserv question

Le samedi 26 août 2006 03:14, vous avez écrit :
> The abstract mentions "IP tunnels of various forms", section 6
> explicitly mentions "IPv6 over  IPv4 tunnels (RFC1933)". This in
> special and the rest of the text makes it seems to be fully
> applicable to all the other transition mechanisms. Simply copying
> over the inner ToS/DS field to the outer one should be sufficient.

Right, thanks. That's the first conceptual model from §3.1. I was merely 
wondering if it was recommended that 6to4, Teredo (and ISATAP?) use the 
first or the second model... it does not make much sense, I think, to 
have different model implemented by different nodes since they are all 
part of the same multi-point pseudo-tunnel.

> I haven't seen any implementation actually doing this though, but it
> could be that some implementations already do it in that manner.

Anyway, I'm afraid this is hardly implementable in practice, since there 
is no IPv4-equivalent of the sendmsg() IPV6_TCLASS option, but that's 
slightly off-topic.

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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