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Re: about draft-ietf-v6ops-addr-select-req-00.txt

On Mon, Feb 19, 2007 at 12:34:48PM +0900, Ruri Hiromi wrote:
>       For example, You can set priority on 3041 address by putting a
>       line in policy table specifying 3041 address by 128-bit prefixlen
>       and continuing to update policy table according to 3041 address
>       changes.  But, this is surely troublesome for users and
>       implementers.
>       One idea is to update RFC3484 policy table definition so that it
>       can handle alias addresses like privacy, DHCPv6 generated, RA
>       generated, manually generated (and even Home Address ?)
>       To prefer privacy address by default, and to prefer RA-generated
>       address for site internal, the policy table will look like this.
>            Prefix                         Pref   Label
>            2001:db8:1234::(PRIVACY)/128   30     2
>            ::/0                           10     2
>            2001:db8:1234::(RA):/128       30     1
>            2001:db8::/48                  20     1


Do you mean it is macroed, or that specific /128's are passed by DHCP
for the policy table?    The DHCP server may not know the autoconf

It also appears that Vista uses a non-standard autoconf address, that is 
randomly generated, as the 'RA generated address', in addition to privacy
addresses, so whatever method you propose needs to be flexible.

I think in a general managed enterprise, the DHCP server will issue 
both normal and (where used) privacy addresses, so the general case is
probably that everything is served and known by/configured by DHCP.
