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Re: Last Call: draft-ietf-v6ops-natpt-to-historic (Reasons to Move NAT-PT to Historic Status) to Informational RFC

On Feb 28, 2007, at 12:40 PM, Hallam-Baker, Phillip wrote:

Is there a document that describes a deployment plan under a two stack transition?

Well, I can't say they are exacty what you're looking for, but you might glance at:

2767 Dual Stack Hosts using the "Bump-In-the-Stack" Technique (BIS).
     K. Tsuchiya, H. Higuchi, Y. Atarashi. February 2000. (Format:
     TXT=26402 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

3338 Dual Stack Hosts Using "Bump-in-the-API" (BIA). S. Lee, M-K.
     Shin, Y-J. Kim, E. Nordmark, A. Durand. October 2002. (Format:
     TXT=34480 bytes) (Status: EXPERIMENTAL)

3750 Unmanaged Networks IPv6 Transition Scenarios. C. Huitema, R.
Austein, S. Satapati, R. van der Pol. April 2004. (Format: TXT=48153
     bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

3974 SMTP Operational Experience in Mixed IPv4/v6 Environments. M.
Nakamura, J. Hagino. January 2005. (Format: TXT=22729 bytes) (Status:

4038 Application Aspects of IPv6 Transition. M-K. Shin, Ed., Y-G.
     Hong, J. Hagino, P. Savola, E. M. Castro. March 2005. (Format:
     TXT=69727 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

4215 Analysis on IPv6 Transition in Third Generation Partnership
     Project (3GPP) Networks. J. Wiljakka, Ed.. October 2005. (Format:
     TXT=52903 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

4241 A Model of IPv6/IPv4 Dual Stack Internet Access Service. Y.
     Shirasaki, S. Miyakawa, T. Yamasaki, A. Takenouchi. December 2005.
     (Format: TXT=20580 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

4779 ISP IPv6 Deployment Scenarios in Broadband Access Networks. S.
Asadullah, A. Ahmed, C. Popoviciu, P. Savola, J. Palet. January 2007.
     (Format: TXT=188511 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)