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Re: The argument for writing a general purpose NAT for IPv6

Le mercredi 18 avril 2007 10:51, EricLKlein@softhome.net a écrit :
> When a mobile device has a private address, it receives an endless
> series of "keep alives". The carrier's NAT wants to assign the
> private number to another device, and so it keeps "checking the
> roast", but this burns up the battery. With an IPv6 address once the
> connection is made there is no need to keep "checking the roast"
> every few seconds. -
> http://www.usipv6.com/6sense/2004/oct/october03.htm
> This seems worth keeping NAT out of IPv6 for mobile devices alone in
> addition to the reasons that were in our document.

It's as much of a problem with stateful firewalls, as you will need to 
send refresh packets for hole punching every now and then (and sending  
is probably worse than receiving to the battery).

Unless you have a signaling protocol that allow negociating very long 
refresh intervals.

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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