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Re: draft-ietf-v6ops-scanning-implications WGLC

On Mar 19, 2007, at 02:21, Fred Baker wrote:

We are looking specifically for comments on the importance of the document as well as its content. If you have read the document and believe it to be of operational utility, that is also an important comment to make.

In section 5.1, I think it might be worth noting that the limited duration of privacy addresses may result in network operators having a means of impeding the spread of worms that harvest node addresses from off-link sources by blocking the method they use to refresh their knowledge of recently available attack surfaces.

On the question of the importance of this document, I'd say that its intended audience is currently besieged by a conflicting message from the IETF and elsewhere that inbound flow initiations should be blocked by default at unmanaged stateful packet filters in residential gateways. This conflicting message, as near as I can tell, is derived from an undiscussed technical consensus that this is necessary to prevent the propagation of IPv6 worms by using a sledgehammer at the gateway, despite the alternative mechanisms well- enumerated in section 5 of this draft for the abatement of IPv6 worm traffic. I'd like to see a consistent message come from the IETF about this issue.

j h woodyatt <jhw@apple.com>