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Re: ULA (was Re: ARIN Board Advises Internet Community on Migration to IPv6)

On May 22, 2007, at 10:02 AM, Jason Schiller wrote:
How exactly should someone make a portion of their IPv6 allocation not routed?

You have identified a number of ways to go about it.

3. Get the RIR to give out more than one allocation per org.

A centrally-managed ULA differs from a centrally managed prefix of any other type in a pretty small way - it matches a certain filter. In any other sense, it is a second allocation to the administration in question, nothing more and nothing less.

Guaranteeing the uniqueness of the address space used internnally is essential.

I understand the point that "a high probability of uniqueness" differs from "unique".

Actually, if it were me, I might do it yet another way. I might advertise everything within my domain and advertise my entire /48, / 30, or whatever outside my domain, and in the edge routers null route the CIDR block(s) that I was keeping private. If the address space is centrally managed,and as a result the address space I am using internally is known in other domains, I don't see any reason to depend on neighboring routing systems to protect me in their routing.

My point is not "bzzt - bad idea". My point is "I see some issues". I'd like to have a reasonable discussion of the issues. OK with you?