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RE: [info@arin.net: [arin-announce] ARIN Board Advises Internet Community on Migration to IPv6]

> > No need to create a market in integers. We can surely invent a robot
> > to allocate and escrow pseudo-random 40 bit numbers at negligible
> > cost,
> > and therefore set up a free service.

If I created such a service, I would do something along the lines of
crypto-generated addresses, e.g. something like crypto-generated
prefixes, where the prefix is the SHA-256 hash of a public key, the name
of the domain claiming it, and a "salt" string. Of course, ULA-c only
leaves 40 bits to allocate, so for safety reasons you will require that
the hash ends with the claimed 40 bits, and starts with a string of N
zeroes. If two companies claim the same 40 bit strings, whichever has
the lower hash wins. Simple, allows for distributed registries, etc...

-- Christian Huitema