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RE: [BEHAVE] Re: CPE equipments and stateful filters

> From: Dan Wing [mailto:dwing@cisco.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 10:34 PM
> To: 'Pekka Savola'
> Cc: 'IPv6 Operations'; 'Behave WG'
> Subject: RE: [BEHAVE] Re: CPE equipments and stateful filters
> Your email and Christian's email are both concerned with end-host
> protection.  I am concerned with protecting the access link from
> unwanted traffic to save bandwidth and, for battery-powered devices,
> to save their batteries.  If the device isn't listening on UDP/500
> and would merely throw away or ICMP the incoming packet, there are
> advantages with bandwidth-constrained access links and with wireless
> devices, to discard the packet in the network (in a firewall device).

If we followed your reasoning, cell phones should never be allowed to
ring, because doing so might deplete the batteries. They would only be
allowed to make outgoing calls...

There are many other ways to resolve this issue for the small battery
powered devices. For example, they may be programmed to only listen to
local addresses, which would radically solve the issue. They may also
keep their address "hidden", so as to not receive traffic.

There are also some better ways to answer to DOS attacks in a firewall
than blocking traffic outright. If the concern really is the batteries,
then rate limiting comes to mind. For example, if a device receives a
packet and does not respond, or send an ICMP, block the port for some

-- Christian Huitema