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Re: Address collisions on a single interface via multiple configuration methods

Hi Ken

Burden, Ken wrote:
> Hi,
> IPv6 standards define multiple methods of assigning IPv6 addresses to an
> interface - RFC 2462
>  IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration,  RFC 3315 Dynamic Host
> Configuration Protocol for
>  IPv6 (DHCPv6), and manual address configuration.  Having more than one
> of these methods used
>  simultaneously is not only permitted but common.  Though RFC 2462
> defines Duplicate Address
>  Detection for a link, no RFC currently defines, or at least is not
> clear about, a similar
>  function for an interface.

Sort of.  The IPv6 Scoped Address Architecture defines global scope as

  o  Global scope, for uniquely identifying interfaces anywhere in the

Which essentially means that no 2 interfaces on the internet may have the
same global address.  That's really a lofty goal and one would say is
impossible to verify.

However, DAD handles verifications on a specific link, and implementations
should take care not to assign the same address on different interfaces.

> What happens if a system/device attempts to assign the same IPv6 global
> address to an interface
>  more than once through the various methodologies?

It should fail.  The first method of assignment should win the race.


> Given three configuration methods, seven combinations of address
> assignment are possible.
>       1. Manual                     No collision possible
>       2. SLAAC                      No collision possible
>       3. DHCPv6                     No collision possible
>       4. Manual & SLAAC             Collision possible
>       5. Manual & DHCPv6            Collision possible
>       6. SLAAC & DHCPv6             Collision possible
>       7. Manual & SLAAC & DHCPv6    Collision possible
> The order of the combinations has been seen to be significant as well.
> Some of the possible collision scenarios are less likely than others but
> some are not only
>  highly likely, they occur in implementations available today.
> Issue/problem
>       Manual and/or DHCPv6 configuration succeeds prior to SLAAC
>       Depending on the specific implementation, one or more entries may
> be made into the IP
>        address table for the same address.  If only one entry is made
> for the address then
>        information associated with the address, such as configuration
> method used, will not
>        include SLAAC.
>       For one common OS implementation the generation of a Temporary
> address [RFC3041] did
>        not occur.  It appears the logic involved in generating a
> Temporary address is dependent
>        on the SLAAC address being successfully added to the address
> table for the interface.
>       Another common OS generated a Temporary address for each Router
> Advertisement received
>        with a matching prefix.  It appears the logic involved in
> generating Temporary addresses
>        was not dependent on the SLAAC address being successfully added
> to the address table for
>        the interface.  But as the SLAAC address is never added the IPv6
> stack, due to the collision,
>        it continues to add Temporary addresses.  The logic appears to be
> looking for additional
>        information associated with the IPv6 address which indicates
> SLAAC was used to generate
>        the address.  As this entry is never made the Temporary addresses
> are added again and again.
>        Over time the OS became unusable and required rebooting.
> How to reproduce
>       Manually configure an IPv6 address to match the SLAAC process.  Or
> enable DHCPv6 – in this
>        case there appears to be a race condition.  The initial DHCPv6
> lease did not complete
>        prior to the SLAAC process.  But, rebooting the OS resulted in a
> renewal of the DHCPv6
>        lease which completed prior to the SLAAC process.
>       Use the appropriate command to list the IP addresses assigned to
> the host interfaces.
>        Either generate Router Solicitations which will cause the
> router(s) to generate Router
>        Advertisements or wait for the periodic RAs from the routers. 
> Then check for how many
>        Temporary addresses have been assigned.
> Work around
>       Only enable one configuration method – manual, SLAAC or DHCPv6 for
> an interface/link
>       Avoid manually assigning IPv6 addresses which are identical to
> those generated by the
>        SLAAC process
>       Lengthen the prefix, equivalent to IPv4 scope, to ensure the
> DHCPv6 generated address
>        cannot collide with the SLAAC process
>       Possibly make SLAAC and DHCPv6 use different methods for
> generating an address – same
>        process results in the same address
> Issue/problem
>       Manual and/or SLAAC configuration succeeds prior to DHCPv6
>       Depending on the specific implementation, one or more entries may
> be made into the IP
>        address table for the same address.  If only one entry is made
> for the address then information
>        associated with the address, such as configuration method used,
> will not include DHCPv6.
>       Unused, wasted DHCPv6 leases – the DHCPv6 server shows a
> valid/active lease which the
>        client obtained – but the client in reality may or may not behave
> as if it did depending
>        on if an entry was made for the DHCPv6 method of configuration. 
> Though the DHCPv6 specific
>        entry may or may not be entered in the IP address table in this
> scenario the DHCPv6 lease’s
>        value is questionable.  Why have simultaneous SLAAC and DHCPv6 at
> all?  Why have the same
>        address for both methods?
> How to reproduce
>       Manually configure an IPv6 address to match the DHCPv6 process. 
> Or enable SLAAC – in
>        this case there appears to be a race condition.  The initial
> DHCPv6 lease did not complete
>        prior to the SLAAC process.  But, rebooting the OS resulted in a
> renewal of the DHCPv6
>        lease which completed prior to the SLAAC process.
>       Use the appropriate command to list the IP addresses assigned to
> the host interfaces.
> Work around
>       Only enable one configuration method – manual, SLAAC or DHCPv6 for
> an interface/link
>       Avoid using DHCPv6 to assign IPv6 addresses which are identical to
> those generated by
>        the SLAAC process or manual configuration.
>       Lengthen the prefix, equivalent to IPv4 scope, to ensure the
> DHCPv6 generated address
>        cannot collide with the SLAAC process.
>       Possibly make SLAAC and DHCPv6 use different methods for
> generating an address – same
>        process results in the same address
> Only a few OSes and embedded systems were looked at.  Most appear to
> have some form of issue
>  when address assignments result in a collision.
> Other questions or issues:
>       Should multiple entries for the same IPv6 address be permitted? 
>             If so how will this be handled?
>       If only 1 entry should be permitted, how should collisions be
> handled?
>       Order of completion can also play a significant role in the
> resulting behavior.
>       Should race conditions be removed e.g. SLAAC vs. DHCPv6 with renewal?
>             Make one finish/timeout before starting the other?
>       If DHCPv6 completes prior to the SLAAC process and the DHCPv6
> lease expires, what
>        happens to the address?
>       Will device/system configuration tools show both entries for the
> same IPv6 address?
>       Some devices hide the fact of there being more than one entry from
> the user. 
>         (Secret developer mode shows > 1 address in reality)
>       Can existing tools permit the user to delete the “correct” entry
> if there is more
>        than one for the same address?
>       Additional information is typically maintained along with the IPv6
> address e.g.
>        configuration method used, lease time (DHCPv6), etc.
>             How is this handled if there is a collision?
>       There may be other permutations/issues for duplicate entries for
> an address.
> Just a few observations and thoughts for your consideration and comment.
> Regards,
> Ken Burden
> HP IT Network Architect
> HP IPv6 Test Bed