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FW: New Version Notification for draft-ietf-v6ops-addcon-06

 Dear All,

This mail is to note that the fully updated version for the 'IPv6
Address Considerations' and can be found at

Only change is a note in the appendix:

   subnet sizes used in this appendix are for practical visualization
   and do not dictate RIR policy."

The document was submitted through automatic draft submission tool and 
went through WG Last Call and should be ready for further IESG
Last update -04 to -05 was idnits corrections, while this version was
with a phrase to disclaim the used IPv6 prefix lenghts in the

We have been receiving notes from people that are awaiting the guidance
this document in RFC format and would lik eto progress forward.

Kind Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: IETF I-D Submission Tool [mailto:idsubmission@ietf.org] 
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 3:54 PM
To: gunter (mailer list)
Cc: v6ops@ops.ietf.org; Chip Popoviciu (cpopovic); tjc@ecs.soton.ac.uk;
Olaf.Bonness@t-systems.com; HahnC@t-systems.com
Subject: New Version Notification for draft-ietf-v6ops-addcon-06 

A new version of I-D, draft-ietf-v6ops-addcon-06.txt has been
successfuly submitted by Gunter Van de Velde and posted to the IETF

Filename:	 draft-ietf-v6ops-addcon
Revision:	 06
Title:		 IPv6 Unicast Address Assignment Considerations
Creation_date:	 2007-10-01
WG ID:		 v6ops
Number_of_pages: 30

One fundamental aspect of any IP communications infrastructure is its
addressing plan.  With its new address architecture and allocation
policies, the introduction of IPv6 into a network means that network
designers and operators need to reconsider their existing approaches to
network addressing.  Lack of guidelines on handling this aspect of
network design could slow down the deployment and integration of IPv6.
This document aims to provide the information and recommendations
relevant to planning the addressing aspects of IPv6 deployments.  The
document also provides IPv6 addressing case studies for both an
enterprise and an ISP network.

The IETF Secretariat.