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Re: Enhanced SIIT

My personal opinion is that if you require updating IPv4 hosts why not just
update them to IPv6 stack?  The duct tape and band-aids on IPv4 this draft
calls forth is sick at best in my opinion.

Todd Fries .. todd@fries.net

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Penned by Iljitsch van Beijnum on 20071017 13:19.48, we have:
| After a half serious post to the IETF list I decided to write a quick  
| draft about the following:
| Abstract
|   This document describes an extension to the mechanism outlined in RFC
|   2765 that allows IPv4 hosts to communicate with IPv6 hosts through a
|   protocol translation device with full IPv6 compatibility.
|   For this purpose, a new header is inserted between the IP header and
|   the payload protocol such as TCP and UDP. The new header contains the
|   bits truncated from the IPv6 address when the IPv6 address is
|   translated into an IPv4 address in the (class E) range.
| http://www.muada.com/drafts/draft-van-beijnum-v6ops-esiit-00.txt
| (I have no patience with the IETF tools right now, will retry that  
| later.)
| The idea is that hosts with IPv4 connectivity get to talk to IPv6  
| hosts without anything NAT-like getting in the way. However, it does  
| require some changes on the IPv4 side, but these can be deployed  
| incrementally. The assumption is that these changes would be easier  
| to deploy than a full IPv6 transition.
| I would really like some feedback on whether this is something useful  
| that deserves more attention or not.