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Small comment on draft-ietf-v6ops-cpe-simple-security

I'm sure the idea of repeating recommendations in the "Summary of Recommendations" section will be sort of controversial at some point, however, I would really like to encourage you to add the summary as you have it in the draft now. I have had much better luck getting things like this adopted in products from folks like Linksys and Netgear when I could hand a product manager a page of requirements that they could cut and paste into their product requirements specifications. If this is summary of recommendation contains all the normative language you need, I think it really helps make it easier to get the vendors to adopt this. Unlike much of the equipment that implements IETF protocols, the types of devices you are describing here are often contracted out using an ODM model and being able to express requirements like this makes it easier to include them.

I suspect we don't have a lot of product manager for the types of devices we are talking about participating in this WG but if this document makes their life easy, that would be good.

I'm not sure what to say about multicast but I'm sure that advice would be useful.

Cullen <with my individual hat on>