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question about draft-durand-v6ops-natv4v6v4-00

Hi Alain,

in you draft in section 4.2 you state that:

   The first drawback is that
   some applications may have a more difficult time going through two
   levels of NAT.

Can you point some examples for this case?

Then in section 4.3 you state that:

   The implications of this second level of translation is very similar
to those in the model above of a double IPv4->IPv4->IPv4 translation.

There were two concerns in the previous case, the applications that can fail more when there are two levels of nat than when ther is one level of nat and that a big provider rfc1918 addrsses may not be enough. But the concern of running out of RFC 1918 addrsses for big providers does not exists when using IPv6 in the internal netwrok of the provider, so there is only the problem with the apps thatfail more when there is a single level of nat than when there is 2 levels of nat, right?

Do you think that current nat traversal techniques would not work properly if multiple levels of nats need to b traversed?

Regards, marcelo