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Re: I-D ACTION:draft-bagnulo-v6ops-6man-nat64-pb-statement-00.txt

On Fri, 23 Nov 2007 13:58:33 +1300, Brian E Carpenter

<brian.e.carpenter@gmail.com> wrote:

> However, I'd like to hear from the SIP community on this point.

> How will p2p SIP work in a mixed network?


chapter 4, in particular:

   Pragmatism dictates that IPv6 user agents undertake the greater

   burden in the transition period.  Since IPv6 user agents are not

   widely deployed yet, it seems appropriate that IPv6 user agents

   obtain IPv4 addresses instead of mandating an upgrade on the

   installed IPv4 base.  Furthermore, IPv6 user agents are expected to

   be dual-stacked and thus also support IPv4, unlike the larger IPv4-

   only user agent base that does not or cannot support IPv6.

   An IPv6 node SHOULD also be able to send and receive media using IPv4

   addresses, but if it cannot, it SHOULD support STUN relay usage [8].

   Such a relay allows the IPv6 node to indirectly send and receive

   media using IPv4.

