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Re: One socket per AF (Was: 6to4 using ::FFFF:0000:0000/96...)

Rémi Després wrote:
Jeroen Massar wrote :
Rémi Després wrote:
Why ???

Because ::x.x.x.x and ::ffff:x.x.x.x are IPv4, it is not IPv6.

IMO too general to be sufficient

It very generally is a very bad general idea ;)

It *WAS* a great idea in the beginning, to get IPv6 going and to get some form of communication between IPv4 and IPv6, but if you have written a couple of programs (not clients) and bumped into it a couple of times you will realize that it is not a good idea.

I am fully with our samurai on this one.

Consider in particular a dual stack site with a private IPv4 space.
Its CPE, which has a NATv4-v4, may also have a NATv6-v4.
If it has one, and if it uses it for outgoing packets that have 0::/64

::/96 you mean I guess ;)
Routing is in general performed on 64 bits (the remainder is IID, IMU not candiadate to be part of a prefix).
But no objection to /96 where it is supported.

Please see RFC4291 section and These special prefixes are longer and are excluded from that space, they are special after all.

IMHO this is nice and clean.

That is very dirty in my opinion.
Matter of taste then.
But at least this lets a real *IPv6-only* hostto reach an IPv4-only server, e.g. in HTTP.

Please use application proxies for this, and not routing tricks and by introducing NAT into IPv6. NAT-PT was deprecated for a reason.

The reference I know on the subject is

I am pretty sure I can't reach that location.
I copied this URL, pasted it in Mozilla thunderbird, and reached the (obsolete) document.

Unless you give all of the IETF access to your local disk some way, and include a hostname in that URL, then we might be able to see the document that you are linking to ;)

Either you were wrong in being "pretty sure" (once more ??) or your browser, or your OS, has a problem.

I am still pretty sure about this. I guess you should take a good deep look at the url :)

*hint*, it starts with file:// and then has /Users/Pro/Documents/.....

/me passes out fresh caffeine shots ;)

Indeed it works for you locally, as it is on your local disk, that is the trick with the file: protocol handler.

Please provide a link to the document that resides on the public internet. (Starting with 'http(s)://' is a good thing).


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