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Interim meeting on ipv4-ipv6 co-existence - latest APBP document

The agenda in http://trac.tools.ietf.org/area/int/trac/wiki/v4v6interim
has, for the APBP item of the agenda, draft-despres-v6ops-apbp as the
reference document.

In addition, slides 1-11 of the Dublin presentation
www.ietf.org/proceedings/08jul/slides/v6ops-8/v6ops-8, which are more up
to date, are useful.

Slides 12-20 can be ignored.
(The ad hoc protocol, despite its simplicity, is now proposed to be
replaced by an even simpler use of DHCP, the mapping between IPv4
address + port range and IPv6 addresses becoming static).

New material on this is planned to be brought to the meeting.

Note also that APBP (actually its revised version) fits in the "tunnel based solutions" item of the agenda.
