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Re: DHCP6 and RA,M=1,PIO,A=0

Wonder if anyone else notices the irony of these adjectives coming from a company that refuses to deploy any DHCPv6 service with its products?

- Ralph, who takes a size 40R asbestos suit...

On Nov 21, 2008, at Nov 21, 2008,11:21 AM, james woodyatt wrote:

On Nov 21, 2008, at 09:05, Fred Baker wrote:

I would be careful about painting people as stupid. There is a lot of paint in that can.

Point taken. I'd like to take it back and use "shortsighted" instead. I'd like to leave the qualifying word "painfully" in place, however...

james woodyatt <jhw@apple.com>
member of technical staff, communications engineering