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Re: Dynamic Modification of "FROM" address automatically

thanks to a fellow user here, i have been using the following hack to
base my From: on the mailbox:

    ;; futzing with the header
    (setq wl-draft-config-matchone t) ;; only match first
    (setq wl-draft-config-alist
	  '(((string-match ".*@ran" wl-draft-parent-folder)
	     ("From" . "Randy Bush <randy@psg.com>"))
	    ((string-match ".*@psg" wl-draft-parent-folder)
	     ("From" . "Other Name <other@bogus.com>"))
	    ((string-match ".*@localhost" wl-draft-parent-folder)
	     ("From" . "Yet Another <yet@another.com>"))))

    ;; apply wl-draft-config-alist before edit
    (add-hook 'wl-mail-setup-hook 'wl-draft-config-exec)
    ;; apply wl-draft-config-alist before re-edit
    (add-hook 'wl-draft-reedit-hook 'wl-draft-config-exec)
    ;; do not apply wl-draft-config-alist before sending
    (remove-hook 'wl-draft-send-hook 'wl-draft-config-exec)

but what i do not understand is how to get this

    (setq wl-draft-always-delete-myself t)

to know all my names, or my current name.
