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Re: How to limit header display?

At Mon, 11 Jan 2010 13:26:46 -0500,
Per B. Sederberg wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 1:20 PM, David Abrahams <dave@boostpro.com> wrote:
> > Hi Per,
> >
> > I'm still trying to get my head around the use of MIME in WL, so many
> > things are still unclear.  In particular, how can I know if I "use
> > MIME," and whichever option I am currently using (MIME/non-MIME) how
> > can I try the other option?
> >
> I wish I knew.  I'd say that message viewing is one of the major
> issues I'm still dealing with.  I find myself switching down to a
> message and viewing the html part of a message in a browser all too
> frequently.  I'm so much happier writing emails with WL that I've been
> able to overlook this awkwardness b/c I've been too busy to try and
> figure it out.
> Sorry not to be of more help.
> Best,
> Per

Hi -

A few points:

1. My understanding, & I could be wrong: all message display in WL is
done with wl+elmo+mime-view. The (require 'mime-view) command should
be redundant, because WL should load mime-view.

2. Viewing of HTML messages is tricky & can be handled by mime-w3m.
Personally I wish to never see HTML messages unless I must, so I have
the following in my .wl file:

  (eval-after-load "semi-setup"
    '(set-alist 'mime-view-type-subtype-score-alist '(text . html) 0))

which makes the text/html message my least desired view.

3. Something thing to keep in mind with WL is that WL often defines
its own version of variables which are passed to downstream code. For


You can grep the source to see how this works.

4. Another tricjy thing is that there are often two or more variables
which work together, e.g. wl-message-visible-field-list and

5. I don’t know why WL is not distributed with more sensible defaults
for these variables. I myself use the following:

  (setq wl-message-visible-field-list '("^From:" "^To:" "^Date:" "^Subject:" "^Reply-[tT]o:" "^Cc:"))
  (setq wl-message-ignored-field-list '(".*"))

Hope that helps somebody!


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