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Re: Lots of (hidden?) messages in IMAP inbox

At Wed, 10 Mar 2010 16:31:00 +0000, Jim Burton wrote:

> [16:26:53] <- elmo-imap43 namespace
> [16:26:53] -> * NAMESPACE (("" "/")) NIL (("Public Folders/" "/"))
> [16:26:53] -> elmo-imap43 OK NAMESPACE completed.
> *elmo-imap43* OK arrived
> [16:26:53] => ((ok nil) (namespace (("^\\({.*/nntp}\\).*$" . ".") ("^\\(Public Folders\\).*$" . "/") ("^.*$" . "/"))))
> [16:26:53] <- elmo-imap44 status inbox (recent unseen messages uidnext)
> [16:26:53] -> * STATUS inbox (MESSAGES 279 RECENT 2 UIDNEXT 6405 UNSEEN 2)

STATUS said you have 279 messages.

> [16:26:53] -> elmo-imap44 OK STATUS completed.
> *elmo-imap44* OK arrived
> [16:26:53] => ((ok nil) (status ((unseen 2) (uidnext 6405) (recent 2) (messages 279))))
> [16:26:59] <- elmo-imap45 select inbox
> [16:27:02] -> * 228 EXISTS

SELECT said 228. Weird.

> [16:27:02] -> * 0 RECENT
> [16:27:02] -> * OK [UIDVALIDITY 1245352634] UID validity status
> [16:27:02] -> * OK [UIDNEXT 29043] Predicted next UID
> [16:27:02] -> * FLAGS ($MDNSent $Forwarded gnus-expire \Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Draft \Seen)
> [16:27:02] -> * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS ($MDNSent $Forwarded gnus-expire \* \Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Draft \Seen)] Permanent flags
> [16:27:02] -> elmo-imap45 OK [READ-WRITE] SELECT completed
> *elmo-imap45* OK arrived
> [16:27:02] => ((ok (read-write t)) (permanentflags ("$MDNSent" "$Forwarded" "gnus-expire" "\\*" "\\Answered" "\\Flagged" "\\Deleted" "\\Draft" "\\Seen")) (flags ("$MDNSent" "$Forwarded" "gnus-expire" "\\Answered" "\\Flagged" "\\Deleted" "\\Draft" "\\Seen")) (uidnext 29043) (uidvalidity "1245352634") (recent 0) (exists 228))
> [16:27:02] <- elmo-imap46 check
> [16:27:02] -> elmo-imap46 OK CHECK completed
> *elmo-imap46* OK arrived
> [16:27:02] <- elmo-imap47 uid search return (all) uid 29041:* undeleted
> [16:27:02] -> * ESEARCH (TAG "elmo-imap47") UID ALL 29040
> [16:27:02] -> elmo-imap47 OK UID SEARCH completed
> *elmo-imap47* OK arrived
> [16:27:02] => ((ok nil) (esearch ("UID" "ALL" "29040")) (ok nil))
> [16:27:02] <- elmo-imap48 uid search return (all) uid 1:29041 undeleted
> [16:27:02] -> * ESEARCH (TAG "elmo-imap48") UID ALL 25986:29040
> [16:27:02] -> elmo-imap48 OK UID SEARCH completed
> *elmo-imap48* OK arrived
> [16:27:02] => ((ok nil) (esearch ("UID" "ALL" "25986:29040")))

3054 undeleted messages, whereas it was reported 228 earlier! This
looks like a bug of IMAP server.

wbr, Vitaly