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Re: Multiple IMAP accounts and wl-fcc

At Tue, 04 May 2010 14:39:03 +0530, Suresh Kumar <sureshkumar.pp@gmail.com> wrote:
Subject: Multiple IMAP accounts and wl-fcc
> I have multiple IMAP accounts set up with Wanderlust and is working
> find so far.
> I maintain "Sent" folder in the respective mail servers, i.e., not on
> the local machine, so I want the sent messages to be saved based on
> the IMAP account currently I am dealing with.
> I am trying to achieve this by setting wl-fcc in wl-draft-config-alist
> but no success so far. wl-fcc is set to proper value(C-h v) in the
> draft buffer but there are no messages in the sent folder (and also
> FCC doesn't appear in the header field). But setting wl-fcc globally
> works fine but will not be suitable for me.

I just set the FCC header directly via wl-draft-config-alist:

;; by default keep all my sent mail in one place....
;; Note this may be adjusted at draft buffer creation time by settings in
;; `wl-draft-config-alist'.
(setq wl-fcc "%inbox/Sent@mailbox.weird.com")

(setq wl-draft-config-alist
	 "From: .*@.*planix\\."
	 ("From" . "\"Greg A. Woods\" <woods@planix.ca>")
	 ("Reply-To" . "\"Greg A. Woods\" <woods@planix.ca>")
	 ("FCC" . "%inbox/Sent:woods@mail.planix.ca:993!")
	 ("Precedence" . "first-class")
	 ("Organization" . "Planix, Inc."))
	 "From: .*@.*teloip\\."
	 ("From" . "\"Greg A. Woods\" <gwoods@teloip.com>")
	 ("Reply-To" . "\"Greg A. Woods\" <gwoods@teloip.com>")
	 ("FCC" . "%inbox.Sent:gwoods@mail.teloip.com:993!")
	 ("Precedence" . "first-class")
	 ("Organization" . "TELoIP Inc."))))

Note the careful use of the correct hierarchy separator character in the
mailbox specifications -- when WL goes to store the sent message it
doesn't ask for the server's definition of the separator character and
translate appropriately but rather just uses exactly what you tell it to
use.  This failure of WL to address and intelligently handle this
feature of the IMAPv4 protocol has caused me numerous confusions and
setbacks over the years.  :-)

Of course this is a very naive and incomplete setup for
wl-draft-config-alist.  A complete specification that handled some of
the other common contexts where one wants to use a specific e-mail
identity requires also matching the parent folder you're replying from,
as well as perhaps other things I haven't thought of, or don't normally
need to do myself.

I do something similar with my Trash folder (and the Junk folder I also
implemented for WL) too:

;; try to keep deleted messages in the Trash folder on the same host
;; it would be nice if there were some nifty way to simply say something
;; like "everywhere I have an INBOX, assume 'd' should refile into the
;; "Trash" folder living directly under that INBOX, including for all
;; other sub-folders of that INBOX" without having to enumerate them all
;; (and take special consideration of the ones where I have to use a
;; different port, different hierarchy separator, or whatever)
(setq wl-dispose-folder-alist
      '(("^%inbox.*Trash@" . remove)	; this one must come first
	("^%INBOX$" . "%inbox/Trash")
	("^%inbox[^@]*$" . "%inbox/Trash")
	("^%INBOX@mailbox.weird.com" . "%inbox/Trash@mailbox.weird.com")
	("^%inbox.*@mailbox.weird.com" . "%inbox/Trash@mailbox.weird.com")
	("^%INBOX@mail.planix.com" . "%inbox.Trash@mail.planix.com:993!")
	("^%inbox.*@mail.planix.com" . "%inbox.Trash@mail.planix.com:993!")
	("^%INBOX@mail.teloip.com" . "%inbox.Trash@mail.teloip.com:993!")
	("^%inbox.*@mail.teloip.com" . "%inbox.Trash@mail.teloip.com:993!")
	("^-" . remove)
	("^@" . remove)
	("^\\+trash" . remove)
	("^\\+" . trash)))

						Greg A. Woods
						Planix, Inc.

<woods@planix.com>       +1 416 218 0099        http://www.planix.com/