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Re: Sent folders and broken maildirs

At Tue, 21 Sep 2010 20:05:06 -0400,
Randy Bush wrote:
> > ;; Specify sent folders
> > (setq wl-summary-showto-folder-regexp "^\\.sent$")
> sigh.  for me, it would be ^\\+sent as it is a local folder.
> > but that's been there for ages. I think it's cleaning out
> > .elmo/maildir that did it.
> no maildir here.  i did clear out .elmo/localdir/sent

If you have set:

  (setq wl-summary-from-function 'wl-summary-default-from)

each of the following needs to be true for WL to display To:...

  (eq major-mode 'wl-summary-mode)
  (stringp wl-summary-showto-folder-regexp)
  (string-match wl-summary-showto-folder-regexp
  (wl-address-user-mail-address-p from)

You can evaluate each by hand, substituting your email for the from
variable. I would guess that one of them is returning nil; otherwise
something is very strange.

best, Erik

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