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Re: IMAP Error: could not parse command

At Tue, 12 Oct 2010 13:20:11 +0200,
Vitaly Mayatskikh wrote:
> At Thu, 07 Oct 2010 10:46:42 -0400, David Abrahams wrote:
> > I'm getting this backtrace from WL upon trying to enter a filter
> > folder I just created.  Any clues?
> What do you see in imap debug buffer? The only interesting part is the
> last imap command and the response.

Not being sure where that starts, this is the whole thing:

[08:03:35] <- elmo-imap446 select "[Gmail]/All Mail"
[08:03:36] -> * FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen)
[08:03:36] -> * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen \*)]
[08:03:36] -> * OK [UIDVALIDITY 639399127]
[08:03:36] -> * 152441 EXISTS
[08:03:36] -> * 0 RECENT
[08:03:36] -> * OK [UIDNEXT 170669]
[08:03:36] -> elmo-imap446 OK [READ-WRITE] [Gmail]/All Mail selected. (Success)
*elmo-imap446* OK arrived
[08:03:36] => ((ok (read-write t)) (uidnext 170669) (recent 0) (exists 152441) (uidvalidity "639399127") (permanentflags ("\\Answered" "\\Flagged" "\\Draft" "\\Deleted" "\\Seen" "\\*")) (flags ("\\Answered" "\\Flagged" "\\Draft" "\\Deleted" "\\Seen")))
[08:03:36] <- elmo-imap447 uid search  sentsince 27-AUG-2010
[08:03:36] -> elmo-imap447 BAD Could not parse command
*elmo-imap447* BAD arrived
[08:03:36] => ((bad (nil "Could not parse command")))

Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing