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Re: cvs.m17n.org will be closed on 2012-04-30.

In [semi-gnus-ja : No.21029] tanaka.akira@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi.  I'm an administrator of cvs.m17n.org.

> Sorry if you see this mail twice.

> cvs.m17n.org will be closed on 2012-04-30.
> This is due to an organization restructuring of AIST.

> Please backup the repositories if you need.
> The data can be backupped by rsync.
> See "Backup the Repository" section in http://cvs.m17n.org .

> Commit info mail service will also closed.

Akr-san, thank you very much for maintaining cvs.m17n.org for
approx. twenty years!  I've already downloaded the following
repositories locally using rsync and also git-cvsimport:

APEL, FLIM, SEMI, Wanderlust, gnus-doc-ja, BITMAP-MULE, MU-CITE,
(Currently I need to re-cvsimport FLIM, SEMI, and Semi-gnus for
 converting authors infos into the Git style completely.)

As for gnus-doc-ja, a Japanese translation of Gnus info manuals,
I'm going to transfer it to git.gnus.org (Lars doesn't respond
yet to my mail asking for the approval; maybe he's in a vacation
or a trip), or other.

As for BITMAP-MULE, MU-CITE, and Semi-gnus, it's no longer worth
keeping them alive in a public server, I think.

As for APEL, FLIM, SEMI, and Wanderlust, I have no idea.  So,
someone who deeply needs them have to take an action!
