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Re: wl fails to display message


> yesterday I received a message from the pkgsrc-users mailing list that
> I cannot read in wl. The below error is displayed:
> Any ideas what's wrong here?

Content-Type: header of the message does not have protocol parameter,
which is mandatory.  Please override verify functions with the below

(defun mime-verify-application/*-signature-internal (entity situation)
  (let* ((mother (mime-entity-parent entity))
	 (orig-entity (car (mime-entity-children mother)))
	 (protocol (cdr (assoc "protocol" (mime-entity-parameters mother))))
    (setq context
	  (and protocol
		(if (equal protocol "application/pgp-signature")
		  (if (string-match
		       "\\`application/\\(x-\\)?pkcs7-signature\\'" protocol)
    (if context
	  (epg-verify-string context
			     (mime-entity-content entity)
			       (if (fboundp 'set-buffer-multibyte)
				   (set-buffer-multibyte nil))
			       (mime-insert-entity orig-entity)
			       (goto-char (point-min))
			       (while (search-forward "\n" nil t)
				 (replace-match "\r\n"))
			       (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
	  (epg-context-result-for context 'verify))
      (if protocol
	  (format "Unknown protocol: %s." protocol)
	"No protocol is specified."))))

(defun mime-verify-application/*-signature (entity situation)
  (let ((verify-result
	 (mime-verify-application/*-signature-internal entity situation)))
     ((stringp verify-result)
      (mime-show-echo-buffer verify-result))
     ((> (length verify-result) 1)
      (mime-show-echo-buffer (epg-verify-result-to-string verify-result)))
      (epa-display-info verify-result)))))

(defun mime-preview-application/*-signature (entity situation)
  (let ((verify-result
	 (mime-verify-application/*-signature-internal entity situation))
    (if (stringp verify-result)
	(insert verify-result)
      (setq string (epg-verify-result-to-string verify-result))
      (when (> (length string) 0)
	(unless (string-equal (substring string -1) "\n")
	  (setq string (concat string "\n")))
	(insert string)))))

Kazuhiro Ito