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Re: [PATCH] Implement draft highlighting using jit-lock-mode.

> The timer code doesn't highlight the parts of the buffer because of
> wl-highlight-message's restriction.

Right.  Sorry for the confusion.

> Please try input a message has multi citation depths by hand under
> your jit-lock-mode patch.

Strange -- I'm seeing the issue with a prefix of "> > >", but not with
a prefix of ">>>" (which is what I use).  I'll try to work it out.

> You would need the new highlighting algorithm which could highlight
> the part of buffer correctly.

Yes, that would be a solution.  However, I think it should be possible
to simply hook into jit-lock-after-change-extend-region-functions to
make sure that the area passed to wl-highlight-message is always large
enough to produce the right results.

David, please don't apply this patch yet -- I'll try to make a better one.

-- Juliusz