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Re: Diagnosing error after sending

Hi all,

Sebastian sent me a backtrace off-list. I have seen the same error
with a maildir folder used as an fcc and the el-get package. The
problem seems to be with this line in elmo-map.el:

  (luna-define-method elmo-folder-next-message-number ((folder elmo-map-folder))
    (1+ (elmo-location-map-max-number folder)))

(elmo-location-map-max-number folder) is returning something other
than an integer (probably nil) which throws an error.

Unfortunately I canʼt reproduce this with my current, non el-get
install of WL. Maybe somebody else can figure out if this is an el-get
problem or a WL problem.

best, Eri

At Wed, 07 May 2014 23:18:52 +0200, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
> > Can someone advise me how to diagnose the problem?
> M-x set-variable RET debug-on-error RET t RET
> -- Juliusz

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