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"byte-code: IMAP error: STATUS unknown option" after authentication

I'm trying to come back to Wanderlust after using other mail clients for a while. I had stopped using it because of some connectivity problems, which I thought at first were specific to Wanderlust but that didn't turn out to be the case. Now I'm trying to get back into it so that I can link from my org-mode TODO lists directly to e-mails that need some action from me.

I'm using Emacs 23.3.1 (default Ubuntu package) and I installed the Ubuntu wl-beta package (Ubuntu 12.04).

I pieced together the beginnings of a configuration (see numbered sections below my name) and finally got wl to contact the IMAP server (imap.qq.com). It prompted me for a password and authenticated correctly, then sat there confused for a little while and pitched an error back at me. (I'm including all the WL-related items in the Messages buffer.)

Loading mail-mime-setup...done
gnus-mime-setup is not found.
emh-setup is not found.
Updating addresses...done
Checking environment...
Loading msgdb for +draft...done
Checking environment...done
Checking type of variables...done
Initializing folder...done
Inserting group Desktop...done
Checking "%inbox"
byte-code: IMAP error: STATUS unknown option

How should I go about getting more information about this error? A good place to start is which option is coming back that is unknown.


[1] In .emacs:

;; autoload configuration
;; (Not required if you have installed Wanderlust as XEmacs package)
(autoload 'wl "wl" "Wanderlust" t)
(autoload 'wl-other-frame "wl" "Wanderlust on new frame." t)
(autoload 'wl-draft "wl-draft" "Write draft with Wanderlust." t)

;; Use WL for mail composition
(autoload 'wl-user-agent-compose "wl-draft" nil t)
(if (boundp 'mail-user-agent)
    (setq mail-user-agent 'wl-user-agent))
(if (fboundp 'define-mail-user-agent)

[2] ~/.wl

; http://emacs-fu.blogspot.com/2009/06/e-mail-with-wanderlust.html
; trimmed
  elmo-maildir-folder-path "~/Maildir"          ;; where i store my mail

  wl-from "James Harkins <jamshark70@qq.com>"                  ;; my From:

  ;; note: all below are dirs (Maildirs) under elmo-maildir-folder-path 
  ;; the '.'-prefix is for marking them as maildirs
  wl-fcc ".sent"                       ;; sent msgs go to the "sent"-folder
  wl-fcc-force-as-read t               ;; mark sent messages as read 

; http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/WanderLust
(setq elmo-imap4-default-server "imap.qq.com"
      elmo-imap4-default-user "jamshark70@qq.com"
      elmo-imap4-default-authenticate-type 'clear
      elmo-imap4-default-port '993
      elmo-imap4-default-stream-type 'ssl

      ;;for non ascii-characters in folder-names
      elmo-imap4-use-modified-utf7 t)

(setq wl-smtp-connection-type 'starttls
      wl-smtp-posting-port 465
      wl-smtp-authenticate-type "plain"
      wl-smtp-posting-user "myname"
      wl-smtp-posting-server "smtp.qq.com"
      wl-local-domain "qq.com"
      wl-message-id-domain "qq.com")

[3] ~/.folders

# WL folders (put the '#' always at the beginning of the line)
%inbox     "Inbox"
# .bulk      "Mailinglists"
.drafts    "Drafts"
%sent      "Sent Mail"
%trash     "Junk"